Tuesday, December 15, 2009

100th post!!!!!!!

Things Caitlynn can do:
hold her own head up
smile when you talk to her
makes tons of noise
hold on to her toys
sits up for about 30 seconds by herself
rolls from side to side
finally can fit into clothes
holds her own bottle sometimes
follows really well
I cant believe shes already over 2 months old. Man time flies by. So last Friday I finally got my gallbladder out. Im doing ok except I found out I was allergic to the sterile strips they put over my 4 incisions. (They did the little camera thing on me to get it out.) So I now and huge blisters where the strips were. Other then that things are good. Ive been eating food and havent really had any problems with them. Other then that not alot has happened Caitlynn got her first shots and hated it. I have never heard her scream like that. But thankfully she was only grumpy that day. Shes pretty strong. Alot of things are coming up and I will try to keep you all informed and try to take pictures even though im horrible at that. i hope you all have great holidays.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Almost 2 months!

Can you believe it! On next Monday Caitlynn will be 2 months old! its so crazy to think! Shes getting so big. Well she is to me everyone else says shes tiny they just dont get to see her everyday like I do lol. Well not much has been going on. I found a hobby :) I started beading. Its alot of fun and its going to make Christmas cheap this year since we are broke cause of medical bills. But hey thats life. Thanksgiving was wonderful! We went to Corinne and had dinner/lunch with the Smith side. Then we went to my friend Jessis to see her family. Then we went to Grams. That night me and Daniel went and saw New Moon. This was the 2nd time I saw it and I LOVE it! So much better then then first!! Other then that not much is going on. Well not yet anyways. Tomorrow I go in to get an ultrasound cause Im pregnant again.... JUST KIDDING! Im getting one to look at my stupid gallbladder. Then it will come out no later then the middle of next week. Im super scared! I mean I know its an easy surgery but I havent been in surgery since I was like 10! But Im sure it will be fine. Im super glad I live at my in laws cause if not I think I would have some troubles but thankful I have a wonderful mother in law to help me shes a life saver sometimes. Well I will let you all know how it goes and I hope all of you are doing good! Man I can believe this year is almost over!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shes silly

Im not sure what shes trying to do. But whatever it is she sure is trying. And getting mad cause she cant do it lol. I had this video on Youtube but I figured it would be better here lol.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Look!

I changed the page how do you like it? lol Not much as been going on here. Halloween was nice. I was a pirate, Daniel was a ghost buster and Caitlynn was the cutest giraffe around lol.

See isnt she cute? :) We went to Grandma Smiths and the Peterson on Halloween then we went to grams and the Toni so Daniel could go trick or treating with Justin and then we went to Olivias party for a little while and went home. It was a long day.
November 1st we blessed Caitlynn. It was wonderful as soon as Daniel started it I just started crying cause the spirit was so strong. Then Daryl had to get up and say something since it was fast sunday and has us all crying. It was really nice. I mean my step dad even came to church and that was a miracle lol. He said after ward, "hey look the church didnt fall down." My grandma made Caitlynns dress and it was so beautiful.

Its a little big but thats ok everything is big on her. Ali also made her a head squishier and a bracelet that she wore at her blessing and then we put it in her hair when she is baptized and on her garter when she gets married. It has a really nice poem with it. Im so blessed that I have talented family members. The only thing that would of made that day better is if Durf was there. I miss him alot. But he will be here December 14th I do beileve and I cant wait!
Caitlynn is getting bigger every day. Well I think she is all I still here when I go places is "Wow shes so small." She will be a month on this Sunday! Her hair seems to grow longer every day too. She can hold her head up for a little while by herself. If you put her on the ground she can roll from her side to back or from belly to side and when she gets on her side she tries really hard to roll on her back. It makes her mad that she cant do it lol. Also if you lay her on her belly she gets on her knees and slides across the floor. If she could lift her head all the way Im sure she would crawl. Which scares me cause she is only 4 weeks old. Shes so advanced lol. According to Daryl we are always going to have to be one step a head of her which is true. I just love her so much! She is such a great blessing in our lifes and I love watching her grow.
And I promise I will get better at this blogging thing. Im blaming Facebook lol

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shes here!

As most of you know Caitlynn Suzanne is here. She was born on October 8th 2009. She weight 6 lbs 6 ozs and was 19 inches. She was born at 8:48 pm. Sorry it has took me forever to write but things have been busy and I have been lazy. Plus I thought everyone already knew cause of Facebook lol. But I figured I should write a post about it too.
Ok so she wasnt suppose to come till October 13th even though her due date was October 20th. My midwife thought it would be best if we could get her here as soon as possible since I was extremely uncomfortable cause I was at 3 for like 3 weeks and because I have problems in the past. Well I had an appointment on October 6th and Machell said come in on Thursday and not Friday cause I want to check your fluid. So Daniel took me in at 9 am on Thursday October 8th cause she also said she wanted to see me early. Well the ultrasound on Tuesday said that she was 7lbs and on Thursday it said she was 6 lbs 6 ozs. Plus the fluid was really low. So Machell said I think Im going to try to get you in earlier then next Tuesday so go out and get on the monitors (they always put me on these the last few weeks) and we will see what we can do. So I went out and Machell hadnt talked to her nurse yet cause she got right on the phone with the hospital so we had to wait for her to get off the phone. Well when she got off she said I got you in today dont even go home just head up right now. So thats what we did. Boy were we excited. Ok Daniel was excited I was scared to death lol. We got there and they got me in a room and start my IV and started me on medicine to make me have contractions (that was about 10:30 am). So me, Daniel, my mom, my grandma and great grandma sat around for awhile. Well about 4 I decided I would get an epidural before Machell came and broke my water. I wasnt in a lot of pain yet but they said it would get worse after my water was broke so I faced my fear. Cause I was really scared of it but everyone said that it would be ok and guess what? It was the worse part!!! Yeah it took them 45 mins and 5 or 6 different tries (I lost track cause of the pain) to get it in! I almost gave up when they were switching people doing it when Machell walked and told Daniel to pull on my arms to help curve my back when it finally went in. And Im so glad that I got it even if it did suck cause after that everything else was a piece of cake lol. Well after she broke my water (about 5:30) she said I was at a 5 and that we probably would be there all night she expected midnight or later. Well the nurse came in about an hour later and she told me I was at a 10! But she didnt want me to start pushing yet cause she wanted Caitlynn to move down naturally first cause it was easier that way. After that I lost track off time but it wasnt long till Machell was in and they had me start. I didnt have to push long which was good. And as you know Caitlynn was born at 8:48 pm so yeah it was a long day but could of been longer lol. Daniel thought it was cool cause he got to stand right next to my midwife cause I was to short to hold on to these handles to help you push so they had me play tug a war with Daniel with a towel lol. I liked him right there too cause I knew something was happening when hes eyes started watering lol. Things went really easy after the epidural until the next day when my back hurt like crazy! But thats ok.
We only stayed in the hospital only one day which was fine with us and since then things have been going great! I just cant believe it has only been 2 weeks it seems like it was longer then that but thats ok Im kind of glad things are going slow cause I know shes going to grow up way to fast! At her 2 week appointment she was 5 lbs and 14 ozs and 19 1/2 in. So they are a little worried cause shes not growing but shes eats so we will just have to wait and see.
Its just amazing to have her here! She is the most perfect baby. She hardly cries and if she does she doesnt cry for very long. She has been smiling since basically the day she was born. She can almost hold her head up by herself. If shes awake she now tries to give you kisses back if you kiss her. Shes just great! Its still really weird to me that Im a mom and that she is mine for all eternity but I do love her with all my heart!
Well I'll try to keep up with the blog thing so I dont have to write HUGE posts like this and so that you dont have to read HUGE posts like this lol.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

its the final countdown!

Thought my water broke but I was wrong. But that's ok its better to be safe then sorry right lol. But I'm at a good 1 and possible a 2 so maybe a little bigger since friday. Caitlynns head is really low and ready to go. I have no mucus plug. Which I really don't understand what that does anyways lol. And I'm having "mild" contractions every ten mins. Which freaks me out cause they are just mild and hurt like crazy! But hey at least now they are showing up on the monitor lol. The nurse said she said ill probably deliver sometime in the next 2 weeks! That's frightening! And to top it all off I have a bladder infection which probably isn't adding to the pain problem. Soon it will all be over with. So you never know maybe my next post will be to welcome caitlynn to the world!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Any Bets?

Sorry I haven't wrote a post in awhile. Not much as been going on. I'm just trying to survive being pregnant and Daniel just has been working so the normal stuff lately lol. I've been having a lot of pain lately and thought maybe it was contractions but I guess I was wrong cause the monitor today at the doctors didn't show anything lol. They think I might have a bladder infection. Isn't that just what I need a bad gallbladder a bladder infection and being pregnant. Sounds like fun doesn't it lol. Well today caitlynn was 5 pounds 5 ounces and I've only gained 2 pounds this whole pregnancy so far :] I think that's pretty impressive lol. Anyways I was dilated to about a 1 1/2 today and thinned about 85% percent! So I guess now I just wait and see what will happen. Any bets when she's coming? Lol

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Not much but thats ok

Not alot has been going on lately I just figured I would write a blog cause I havent in awhile lol. Hmmm lets see what important has happened..........My brother in law Daryl left Monday for boot camp. Yes hes in the Army and you know what I thought maybe I would be excited he was gone cause we really dont get along all the time our personalities kind of dont mix but to tell you the truth I miss him like crazy all ready and hes only been gone 4 days. When I had to say goodbye to him on Sunday all I could do is cry. But all month I have been trying not to cry but I couldnt help it. Yes we fight alot but he means alot to me he took me in when no one else would and tried to help me when I was a wild and crazy teenager. And if it wasnt for him I would of never met the love of my life Daniel. So I owe a lot to him. Im just so proud of him that he would do this and I do love him a lot even if we do step on each other toes a lot.
Besides that happening there has been lots of problems in my family. My cousin Lee over dosed on tons of different stuff. Hes still in the hospital and hes still in a coma but yesterday he moved his fingers and they took him off the machine that was helping him breathe and now hes breathing by himself. So thats good. We hope that he wakes up and hes normal but we still arent sure at this moment cause he doesnt have very good brain scans. I just pray that he will be ok.
Another thing that happened was my mom kicked my 18 year old brother out of the house. But he deserved it. Hes just a big trouble maker and doesnt do anything hes suppose too. He was suppose to graduate last year yeah didnt happen he is suppose to be finding a job cause my mom is the only one that works out of 4 people in the house yeah he sleeps all day and yesterday my mom fianlly had it. He was throwing a fit and didnt want to come home and eat dinner so my mom gave him the choice to eat with the family or leave and he left. I mean I love my little brother with all my heart and I know my mom does too but this is whats going to be best for him and maybe he will learn to grow up a little bit. Right now Im just trying to be there for my mom cause this is breaking her heart but its something that has to be done and I hope it helps him in the long run.
Other then that nothing really has happend lol. I go to the doctors today and I hope she can help me cause my gallbladder is just getting worse and Im tried of the pain but Im betting Im just going to have to live with it Ill let you all know if something else happens with that.
Im sorry that this is kind of a sad depressing blog Ill try to write a happy one next time lol.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Loving Life! (long sorry)

This last week has helped me realize I love my life! Even if its not all to exciting its still great! I have a wonderful husband that loves me, I have a great family, I have a healthy baby that should be here any time soon. Its just great.
This last week has been crazy! But I loved it. I took the Dexter to the vet, went to a doctors appointment, spend 3 days in Salt Lake with Daniel for our anniversary, went camping, hung out with my mom, grandma and grams (great grandma). It was good week.
Dexter had to go to the vet this week cause we thought he had an ear infection which we were right about. The vet said he thinks its allergies so now the poor cat has to take 2 different kinds of medicine everyday but it seems to be working and he doesnt seem like hes in pain anymore which is good cause when he was it made me super sad. He has to go back in a few weeks for a follow up and Im sure he will say everything is good.
I had a doctors appointment this week. It was the same as always lol. Small but healthy baby. I just wish we could say the same for me. My doctor told me to just live with the gallstones which I figured she would. But they seem to be getting better I can actually eat now without pain. My doctor commented on how wiggle Caitlynn was which made me and Daniel laugh cause she really is and we knew this lol. I have to eat an egg a day now for protein even though I havent done this. But thats ok. I have another appointment on Thursday cause my blood pressure keeps going up so she wants to see me. But nothing to big.
On August 12th me and Daniel have been married 3 years! I know time flies! We usually go to the anniversary inn in Logan but couldnt afford that this year so we went to Salt Lake instead cause Dustin got us a great price on a hotel room. We stayed there 3 days cause the 12th is our civil marriage anniversary and the 14th is our temple marriage lol. The 12th we woke up and laid around cause we couldnt check in to the hotel till 3. Got up went to Ihop, Daniel washed the car, we packed and went lol. The hotel room was really nice looking except our room was clear at the end of the hall by the stairs, there was no tub just shower, and some channels never worked on the TV so nothing major. When we got there we laid around waiting on Daniels friend Turbo (Jake) cause he wanted to go to dinner with us. When he got there he said he knew of a place he thought we would like we got there and you had to be 21 to enter and Im not 21 Turbo forgot this cause sometimes hes not to bright lol. So we went to the spaghetti factory and I ran into Kaleena there and got a hug which was nice lol. After that we got lost on our way back to the hotel and yes Turbo lives in Salt Lake and we still got lost! Like I said hes not to bright. After that Turbo went home and we went and watched TV lol. The next day we ate at the cheesecake factory for lunch ( love that place) went to the Clark planetarium which Daniel loved by the way lol, and the Gateway. Yes I went to the Gateway and I didnt buy anything Im not sure whats wrong with me lol. Went back to the hotel swam and then went to Red Lobster for dinner. It was a good day lol. The 14th we just laid around till check out and got up and went home and stopped at Dairy Queen for lunch lol. It was very nice to spend that time with Daniel. I just cant believe its been 3 year! And I still love him as much as the day we said I do.
When we got home on the 14th we laid around at home packed again and went to the Unitas to go camping with Daryl and Ali since this is the last time before Daryl leaves for the Army at the end of the month. We got to the campsite about 9 we would of been there sooner but we had some problems at home we had to take care of first. I wasnt sure if I was going to like this trip cause it was raining when we got there and camping when its raining isnt as fun lol. Well it was nice of Daryl and Ali to let us stay in there tent trailer so we didnt have to set up a tent plus I didnt have to sleep in the tent. That night after the kids went to bed the adults played 31 which is a fun game. The next day it was raining and even snowing and it was super cold! Mom and Dad were going to go home since there trailer was leaking but didnt. Which was a good idea cause the weather did get a little better. The sun came out even though it was still pretty cold lol. When the sun came out we went fishing and I even kind of caught a fish. I got it all the way up to the shore went to put it on the shore yanked to hard and it got away. It was sad lol. Sunday when me and Daniel got up we packed and left cause I was really worn out I mean we hadnt been home for more then a few hours in 5 days lol. Even though it was cold it was still alot of fun! Im glad we were able to go and spend that time with part of our wonderful family. I know me and Daryl dont get along alot but its really sad to realize that hes going to be gone at the end of the month. Im going to miss him alot. So Im glad we got to spend that time with him.
When I got home I thought I was going to rest but that didnt happen. Even though it was Sunday I wanted to spend time with my family cause I dont see them alot so I went shopping with my mom grandma and grams. It was alot of fun. We went to the Dollar Store, Joanns, and Kids to Kids. Of course the crazy women that they are bought Caitlynn tons of clothes at Kids to Kids. My family is going to spoil this kid! But she is the first grandkid, great gradnkid and great great grandkid so I guess I can understand lol. I just love spending time with those 3 they are the best!
So thats my crazy yet wonderful week. Im so blessed to have a great family in my life and blessed to have a great life.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Personality Quiz

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||| 50%
Stability |||||||||||| 50%
Orderliness |||||||||| 34%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 70%
Interdependence |||||| 30%
Intellectual |||||||||| 34%
Mystical |||||||||||| 43%
Artistic |||||||||||||| 56%
Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism |||||| 30%
Materialism |||||||||| 36%
Narcissism |||||||||| 36%
Adventurousness |||||| 23%
Work ethic |||||| 23%
Humanitarian |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||| 23%
Need to dominate |||||| 30%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth || 10%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 63%
Change averse |||||||||||||| 56%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Individuality |||||||||||| 43%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 43%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 50%
Family drive |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Physical Fitness |||||||||| %
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Paranoia |||||||||||||| 56%
Vanity |||||| 30%
Honor |||||||||||| 43%
Thriftiness |||||||||| 36%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality test by similarminds.com

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Best In The World.

I just wanted to let you all know that I have the best husband in the world and that Im very thankful for everything he does for me. He has stood by me for the last 3 years even through the hard times and the times that Im totally crazy and make no sense and of course the good times. He loves me for me and even loves my flaws. I know that hes is the greatest blessing that I have ever received. Im so happy I have had the opportunity 2 years ago (well in 2 weeks it will be 2 years lol) to be sealed to him forever. My patriarchal blessing says this will be one of the greatest blessing in my life and I truly believe that. He is just plain amazing. I just dont know how to explain it lol.

No One Ever Said It Was Going To Be Easy.

I guess the expression goes when it rains it pours lol. Well thats how I feel most of the time. As most of you know Ive havent had the best time with this pregnancy from horrible morning sickness to horrible pain. Well Saturday I got the nerve to go up to the hospital again because I had pains that werent going away they were just constant. I didnt want to but I just kept having this feeling like I should and it had been that way for days so I decided why not. Well I went up to birth and deliver cause every time I go to the ER first they send me to birth and delivery. Well it took them forever to get me in room, finally when I got in a room I was there maybe 20 mins and they send me to the ER, I guess Ill never get it right. Well after a few hours in the ER they said all my blood test were normal so I thought oh great Im just crazy like usual but the doctor said he was going to do a ultrasound test to look for gallstones. Well I guess Im not crazy I had a gallstone. He only saw one and its not very big but its there and it is causing pain. They told me there is nothing they can do for me cause it requires surgery to get them out. So in October after Caitlynn comes I might have to have surgery, depends on if they get worse or just go away. Ok they dont go away they just arent active. Im waiting now to see what my doctor says. Im probably just going to get the same thing the ER doc told me dont eat alot of fatty greasy foods dont eat large meals blah blah you know the stuff thats not fun lol.
I also want to apologize that I have been really negative lately. Im really trying to be in a good mood but it doesnt seem to work. All I need to do now is remember that the Lord does love me and its watching out for me and that I have many blessing in my life. It just gets hard sometimes. But just a few more weeks and this will all be over with. Then I guess comes the real trials right lol

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Update Time lol

I havent done alot since I last wrote a blog cause of the stupid pain I have been having but Im getting more use to it and start to just deal with it and not be just a pansy lol.
Yesterday me and Daniel went to the rodeo it was lots of fun. We even got stadium seats to put on the bleachers so I had back support that was really nice. I love the rodeo. I try to go ever year when it comes. The animals were crazy even the sheep for mutton busten (little kids riding sheep) were crazy. Caitlynn didnt like it at first cause we were right by speakers so it was super loud but she calmed down lol. After wards they had fireworks. I was excited cause this is the first time I saw them this year since we didnt see them on the 4th. I just love spending time with Daniel its always alot of fun.
Today I went to the doctor. This time it was a normal visit. Lets see Ive gained 3 pounds since last time I got weight which was a week ago! But my doctor said you havent gained an ounce cause were back to were I started at before I lost alot of weight lol. They also poked my finger to check iron and sugar levels. Which sucked! For one I hate getting my finger poked and for another I had to drink a 20 oz soda and eat a candy bar in ten to fifteen mins before I went to the doctors. I know that doesnt sound horrible cause dont get me wrong I love soda and candy but Im not a faster eater and so it was hard for me lol. My sugar levels are good. Which Im happy about but my iron was low but I havent been taking my vitamins like I should so thats the reason there. Nothing serious I just need to take them lol. Well Caitlynn is doing great! Machell says everything looks good. That my pain is caused by my ligaments stretching and Caitlynns head is in my gallbladder lol. Machell did like a 3d thing and looked at Caitlynns face and right afterwards said I think she has your nose lol. The funniest part was she always measures the belly the head and the leg bone well the head and the belly said 25 weeks (im 27) but the leg said 28 weeks lol. So she has really long legs lol. But that would make sense I mean even though Im short im all legs lol. Once again Caitlynn was a little behind like always but Machell said today she thinks that is cause she has a little head, which is a good thing cause that makes labor a little more easier lol.
Well thats all thats been going on. Im sorry if I bore you but hey someone wants to know whats going on right? lol

Thursday, July 16, 2009

100 Facts About Me!

Livi did this so I figured I wanted to do it too lol.
1. I dont think there is a person on this planet thats as amazing and wonderful as Daniel.
2. My family is my everything.
3. I love my cats like they are my children. They arent pets to me they are family.
4.I have a very low self esteem.
5. I like to complain alot. I complain every day about something or someone.
6. Religion is very important to me even though I dont always show it like I should.
7. I have a hoodie obsession. I have like 20 hoodies and I still want more
8. I have jealousy issues.
9. I love to get my way.
10. Im very stubborn.
11. I love going to the temple even though I dont go enough as I should.
12. There isnt a person I know that I havent complained about.
13. For some reason people enjoy talking to me when they having a hard time. I dont mind this. I love helping people. I just dont see how I help at all.
14. I usually fight with my mom once a week.
15. I dont really trust men. There are a few that I do trust but not many.
16. I always think people are talking about me behind my back.
17. I dont handle pain very good.
18. Im not very good at spelling.
19. I always hate my hair, no matter what the style is.
20.I dont get things done until the very last moment.
21. I think I'm a very lazy person, but I dont do anything to change this.
22. The future scares me.
23. I have obsession issues, especially with Daniel.
24. Im super clingy and I hate spending time away from Daniel.
25. I repeat myself alot.
26. I like board games more then video games.
27. I throw random fits for no reason.
28. Im a very nosey person I love to know whats going on in other peoples lives.
29.I dont understand somethings that Daniel says. So when he starts talking about smarty pants things I usually dont listen.
30. Im horrible at math.
31. I LOVE penguins!
32. I have an obsession with the color pink.
33. Im the summer time me and Daniel get snow cones at least 2 times a week.
34. I love every form of potatoes
35. I get grossed out very easily.
36. I usually always order chicken when I got out to eat.
37. Im not very adventurous.
38. I bruise very easily.
39. There are only like 3 or 4 guys I can stand being alone with.
40. Im smarter then what people really think.
41. I hate scary and action movies.
42. Im obsessed with musicals. There are only a very few that I do not like.
43. If your in my car on a Saturday night you listen to Show tunes Saturday nights, if you like it or not.
44. I never listen to a song all the way through.
45. I check Myspace and Facebook a million times a day on my phone.
46. If something has music notes on it I always want it, even if its a pair of socks.
47. I love earrings even though I never wear them.
48. I have anger issues and get angry really easy for no reason.
49. When Im really angry I start punching and throwing things.
50. I love all types of music.
51. Some how when I write alot I get pen all over my hands. (Same goes for markers or paint)
52. Its a rare moment when you see my bedroom completely clean.
53. I wish I sang more then I do.
54. I usually make fun of people.
55. I love my religion and I believe in it with all my heart but most Sundays I dont want to go to church.
56. I love to read but I usually dont.
57. I love to help people out but I hate it when someone trys to help me.
58. I have a horrible gag reflex.
59. I tell Daniel everything even when Im told not to tell him.
60. I would never want to be famous but I would love to be on Broadway.
61. I can sit around for hours doing nothing.
62. I usually dont get out of bed till noon.
63. I make alot of excuses for everything.
64. Most of the time I hate loud noisy places.
65. Im terrified of most bugs.
66. I eat ranch on almost everything.
67. Im super scared of clowns except rodeo clowns do not scare me.
68. Im super girly but at the same time Im a tom boy.
69. This number always makes me laugh.
70. Im usually very dirty minded.
71. I hate making decisions
72. No matter what the weather is like I complain about it
73. I dont make alot of sense. Im hard to figure out.
74. If I could start a cat refuge and get all the cats out of shelters I would.
75. Dogs scare me.
76. I make up alot of my own words.
77. Ive changed alot in the last few years.
78. I wish I had lots of money so I could help my family.
79. I love getting mail.
80. I really dont like being the center of attention.
81. I have lots I need to learn.
82. I love spending money even though I know we usually dont have any.
83. I can eat out everyday.
84. I love being alone with Daniel.
85. I have a journal that I write in only like once a month.
86. I have a swearing problem, which Im trying to fix.
87. I dont understand why people like to smoke cigarettes.
88. I try not to be judgemental, even though usually I am.
89. If I have a problem with you believe me you will know.
90. Im horrible at hiding my feelings.
91. I hate when people complain that their lives are so horrible. Even though I do it alot. But Im trying not too.
92. I usually dont like myself.
93. I hate when people say they were "born" that way. We are all born the same its the choices you make that make you you.
94. I hate the colors yellow and brown.
95. Im always under a blanket even if its super hot outside.
96. Natural disasters scare the crap out of me.
97. I love rain but I hate thunder and lighting.
98. I hate to drive.
99. Im not sure how Daniel puts up with me but Im glad he does.
100. This didnt take as long as I though it would :D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So I had to go back up to the hospital again yesterday! The night before my doctor called in a prescription to stop contraction. Yeah I took it and it didn't help I still felt pain so I called the next day and she said well I don't think it has anything to do with pregnancy go up to the er and have them check your appendix and stuff. So that's what I did. Well when I got there the er took me up to birth and delivery the nurses told me up there its cause they are scared of pregnant women in the er lol anyways. It took them forever to do all the lab work and take me to get my kidneys and stuff ultrasounded. I was there for 1 till 9 and guess what they found out? Its normal! Yeah they said the pain I'm having is just normal pregnancy pain. They seriously had to keep me there that long just to tell me that! Yeah I wasn't happy. But at least now we know that's its nothing to worry about and its just something I have to suffer with. Only 97 more days or around there and this will all be over with thank goodness! (sorry I'm complaining a lot I just really don't do good with pain lol)

Monday, July 13, 2009


So the last few days have been pretty intersting! Saturday was scottys wedding and it was so beautiful and so nice! The only bad part is that it was outside and super hot!we were there from 1130 till 4 cause daniel was the camera guy (which he was super excited for by the way). It was so nice to see Scott get married! I even cried lol but by 4 I was ready to go home. When we got home we found out both of us was sunburned but almost everyone that was there got sunburned lol. Well I started not feeling good that night cause of all the heat. By Sunday I really didn't feel good. And I was having sharp cramping pains in my lower stomach and back. These were happening like every hour or so but were getting closer together. We thought it could be dehydration so I drank tons of gatorade and that didn't help so of course we went up to the hospital. I was there a good 4 hours or so. And they weren't really sure what was wrong cause no contractions were showing up on the machine and they checked my cervix and it was closed. And Caitlynn was doing great. It was funny though cause they put monitors on me for the her heartbeat and to see if there was contractions well she didn't like that so she kept kicking them so on the machine you kept hearing thud thud we thought that was pretty funny. But they have me some pain medicine and some medicine to stop contractions (which is one of the worst medicines ever) in case that's what it was and it seemed to help so they sent me on my way. But told me to see my doctor in the morning cause Machell couldn't come in cause she was out of town. So I went to see Machell today and she measured and felt things I don't think should be felt cause it hurts! But she said everything seemed fine to be careful and stay out of the sun. She gave me other restrictions too but I won't explain that one (hint hint) She told me she thinks this happened cause I probably had a heat stroke or that maybe Caitlynn was laying sideways and got stuck which can cause contractions or both. I have to go see her next week which was my normal scheduled appointment and hopefully we won't have any more of these scares.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Is It October Yet?

Went to the doctors today. It went great! My doctor said my weight is good which I was happy for cause I was scared it wouldn't be. The only thing wrong with me is my blood pressure was a little high but I think its cause I had a headache. Machell said Caitlynn looks good of course like every other visit she was small but she is bigger then she has been if that makes sense. Usually she's like 7 days behind but this time she was 5. Machell said she thinks its gentics I mean I was 3 weeks late and weight only 6 pounds. Caitlynn was so cute once I saw her press her hand to my belly I thought it was adorable lol. She weights 1 pound 5 ounces which is crazy to think! She moves like crazy now and loves to kick Daniel whenever he puts his hand on my belly lol. I just can't wait for her to come! She's already so wonderful! Plus to tell you the truth I'm ready to be done and I'm not even in my 3rd trimester yet! I will be in 3 more weeks. Yeah I'm dreading that lol. But I just wanted to let you all know she's doing great! Only 112 days left! (well around there lol)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Some How I Found A Life

The last few weeks have been crazy!!! But Ill just start with last week cause I cant remember any further then that even though I know things happened lol.
So last Monday my great grandma had to go to the hospital to get dye in her heart to find out why she was having discomfort. My great grandma is only 73 so shes really not that old. Well we got there at 8. They took her back about 9 and then they took her to get the thing done at 1030. By then I was already to go home lol. Around noon she was done and we went back to see what the doctor had to say. He said they werent going to do surgery cause she has already had open heart twice ande they said it would probably cause a huge heart attack and they thought that wasnt a good idea and we agreed. They said she has a few branches that are 50-70% closed which isnt great but they think they can fix it with medicine. After that they said she could leave about 5 or 6. I was at the hospital till 4 and decided to go home I was pretty tired since I really didnt sleep the night before. I laid around all day after that.
Tuesday I had to be at grams at 630 cause someone had to be there with her for the next 2 days and my grandma went to work. My mom showed up about 730 and we just sat there with her all day. Which wasnt to bad but I wished I was home lol. When Daniel got off work he picked me up. When we got home he took a nap and I cleaned, since his friend Turbo (Jake) was coming over so we could go to the midnight viewing of Transformers (thats why Daniel was napping) Usually I wouldnt care if the basement was messing hes seen it like that a million times before but he was bringing his girlfriend Andee, who we never met before, and I didnt want her to think we were slops just yet lol. Daniel slept for about an hour and half and then came and helped. We thought he was going to be here about 830 so we could play games first but he was slow. He didnt get here till about 10-1030 and we met him at Mcdonalds lol. Afterwards we came to our house and sat there for about 5 mins before we went to the movie. So we did all that cleaning for nothing really but hey it got cleaned lol. The Transformers movie was ok. It was really crude. It swore alot more then I thought it would, there was alot of sexual stuff in it. Lets just say I was impressed. I mean alot of people like the movie but I really didnt. It was nice to see Turbo though since we dont see him alot and to meet Andee she seems like a really nice girl. I cant wait till I get to know her a little bit more.
Wednesday I begged and begged Daniel to stay home or at least go to work late since he only had 3 hours of sleep. But he didnt listen. That about all that happened that day it was my lazy day lol.
Thursday I had to be to grams early again cause I was going to take her to her check up appointment since everyone else was working. Well of course the day Im there all by myself shes super sick. I have no idea what to do. I got her appointment to see her doctor cause before she was just going in to get her blood drawn. Well thankful my mom got off to come help me which I was so thankful for. When we got her to the doctors she couldnt even walk we had to get her a wheel chair. The doctor said he thinks it was her new medicine that was making her sick so he took her off of it and gave her a anti nausea shot and medicine. After that she started feeling better thank goodness. I then had to go pack stuff since I was going with my grandma and grams to Saint George for my grandmas best friends wedding. Grams wasnt going to go but she was feeling better. We left about 4 and got to Saint George about 1030.
Saint George was ok but it wasnt that great. For one I missed Daniel like crazy since he couldnt go since he had to work and another we really didnt do anything. Connies wedding was nice, short but nice. It was just weird to be around people I didnt know. Thats all we really did. Nothing that exciting. On the way home Saturday we stopped at my uncles. Which I wasnt to happy about I just wanted to go home. We finally got home about 6 on Saturday. Dont get me wrong it was nice spending time with my family but I was ready to be home. Especially since we didnt eat that much since those old women dont eat alot but I needed too. So when I got home I ate a baked potato and Daniel took me out to dinner. There I ate all my salad and spaghetti like I said I was starving lol.
Yesterday (Sunday) was great!! Me and Daniel just spend the whole day together except when we went to church lol. It was nice to spend time with him since I didnt see him for a few days. Today should we ok too cause Daniel took the day off. :D
Im so glad that crazy week is over but this week is just as bad (except today). Tomorrow Daniel had a dentist appointment and I have a doctors appointment. Wednesday is big Daryls birthday, Thursday my cats are getting fixed and Friday is Daniels birthday and of course Saturday is the 4th of July. So Ill let you know how this week go but maybe Ill post more so that its not this long lol.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

where did it come from?

The last few days I've had a horrible cold. I'm not sure where it came from. Noone else is sick. It sucks I just thought I would let you know so I could post a blog from my phone cause I thought it was cool lol

Monday, June 15, 2009

New hair!!

I got new hair!!! I didnt like just the pink so I put brown in it. So now I have Neapolitan hair cause its vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. I also got a new cut! what do you guys think

I had tons of fun this weekend! On Friday I went to Livis. We went to the mall and got chocolate and got some Mcds lol. Then it was her birthday party. Even though there wasnt alot of people it was super fun. Saturday me and Livi went to Brigham and got our hair and nails done. I even drove on the freeway! Which Im terrified to do but it wasnt that bad lol. Sunday we finally went to all of church! We usually leave half way through for one reason or another. Then we went up to Livis again cause I was sad cause Tigger was missing but when we got home he was here :D which made me feel better.
Other then that nothing really has been happening except Im starting to feel Caitlynn move alot more! She really starts to move when ever music is on which makes me laugh lol.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Its A Little Caitlynn!

Today I went in with an ultrasound technician. The baby is doing great! It has everything it needs. Which is pretty exciting!! We did get to see the 4d thing as you can see above. It was freaky to me. Cause you can see everything. It was just weird to think that is really in me lol. So everything is great which makes me super happy. And it let us finally see and its a GIRL! It was so great! So in 19 weeks or so little Caitlynn Suzanne will make her appearance. Which is so scary cause that doesnt seem like a long time!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Half way!

Yep today Im 20 weeks. That means Im half way done! YAY So Im pretty excited! But at the same time scared cause Ive been told I just went through the easy part and if that was easy what is this other part going to be like lol. I still havent gained any weight Im hoping the baby is still ok. Im sure it is cause Ive been eating just fine.
Other then that nothing has been going on. We went camping in Flamming Gorge Memorial Day weekend. We had lots of fun even though it rained alot and Daniel caught like 5 fish. I didnt catch anything because I was to scared to go on the boat lol. Other then that we are finally back home from Grams. So now Im trying to get the basement cleaned since we left it a disaster lol. And me and Daniel decided were not going to get a house just yet cause we cant afford it but we are going to look at apartments and stuff in Brigham because I really dont want to be living at my in law when the little one comes lol.
I hope all of you are doing good. And I will post a new blog most likely next week when I go to my target ultrasound so I can let everyone know how that goes. So until then bye lol

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Its Been Awhile

Sorry I havent wrote in awhile. It isnt that my life has been busy or anything just the complete opposite so I didnt really have anything to write about lol. Some things have happened though.
Right now me and daniel are staying at my great grandmas house with our cats until the 31st cause she went to Kentucky. We have been here since the 6th. Its been ok. I love having my own space for awhile and its nice to have tv even though she has like over 600 channels and there still isnt anything on lol. The cats seem to like it here too. But they are trouble makers. They love getting in everything and the first night we stayed Dexter cried all night I think he was just scared.
Other then that I dyed my hair back to blonde so I dont have to deal with roots and I put pink in it so it pretty crazy lol.
Today I went to the doctors. I have lots 2 pounds since my last appointment. We think its cause I got sick yesterday and couldnt hold anything down. But it sure doesnt look like Im lost any weight it looks like Ive gained cause Im getting a pretty big pregnant belly now lol. Well my doctor wasnt happy that I lost weight and the baby is a little smaller then it should be but only by a few days so its nothing to worry about she says. But she wants me to eat more protein. So of course on the way home Daniel gave me a lecture the whole way about how we need to change the way I eat. I know that he just wants the best but its kind of annoying lol. Well we were hoping this week we would be able to tell what the baby was for sure but of course we couldnt cause the baby had its legs crossed tight. I guess it just doesnt want us to know. Well I go back in 3 weeks to a targeted ultrasound with a ultrasound technician and a better machine and hopefully they will see the gender then and I guess they are going to do the 3d picture things. Im not so sure how I feel about that cause they kind of freak me out but my mom is sure excited about it.
Well that about all that been going on in my life for the last month. Its pretty boring but I know when October comes it wont being boring anymore lol.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Its A Boy Its A Girl....

I went to the doctors today. Ive lost a pound since I last went in but it sure doesnt look like it. Ive already had to start wearing maternity clothes lol. Everything went good today. The baby is big and healthy. Last time the baby wasnt shy but this time it didnt want anything to do with us lol. She was trying to see the gender but everytime she would look it would put its leg in the way or move lol. Last time she said she suspected a boy this time it went I think its a girl no a boy no a girl. She seemed like she was getting frustrated with it lol. Finally she said Im going with 90% boy but Im not 100% sure so dont buy anything yet lol. But its fine if I dont know for sure right now I mean Im only 14 weeks lol. She told me to come back in 4 weeks which was great cause this is the the first time Ive heard that the whole pregnancy so far before it was 2 weeks or 3 weeks but finally I am on track like normal lol. My next appointment is May 19th and Im sure we can see the gender then us the baby doesnt want us to again lol. Other then the doctors appointment nothing really has been going on. My life is pretty lame but that all will change in October lol. But I will let you know if anything else happens in our boring crazy life lol

Monday, April 13, 2009


My Easter weekend was pretty nice. Thursday night me, Daniel, Daryl, Colette and Kaleena colored eggs. This is one of mt favorite parts of Easter. I just think its so much fun lol.
Friday Daniel had the day off so we really didnt do anything but just goof around but I love it when I get to spend the whole day with him. :D
Saturday we went to the Smiths Easter Party. It was nice to see everyone since we havent seen them since Christmas time. Then we came home and Turbo came down. The boys threw the frisbee in the back yard for awhile then they played games while I took a nap cause I was tired lol. Turbo was suppose to stay longer but he had to go home for something. So Me and Daniel went to Olive Garden. And I ate so much salad that I couldnt eat my meal. Man I just love that salad lol. Well our food took a little long and we really didnt care but they gave us free dessert which of course Daniel was so excited for lol.
Sunday we went to church and felt the spirit there. This was one of my favorite parts of the weekend cause I love going to church. And plus Jesus is really what Easter is all about. Then after church we went to Grams for dinner. And I always enjoy spending time with my family. :D After that we decided to go to the park because Daniel has been bugging me all weekend to go fly his kite we got him lol. The wind wasnt the greatest but he flew it for awhile. Then Livi and Micheal came and we played some frisbee. It was alot of fun.
That was my exciting Easter weekend. I liked it alot. Nothing else has really been happening except Ive been going out doors alot more and playing with my kitties cause this weather is great! And some how I hurt my wrist. Daniel is making me wear a brace on it. So hopefully that will help. Next week Ill be in my 2nd trimester and Im already feeling ALOT better.
I hope all of you had a great Easter weekend and that you were able to remember this was about Christ and how he died and was resurrected for us and that He loves every single one of you :D

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Guess I Should Update Lol

I went to my doctors last Thursday (April 3rd) and everything is great! I was up two pounds which my doctor was very happy about :D. And the baby is wonderful. It is now bigger then its been showing and we got to see it move around quite a bit.Ill just say its definitely not shy lol. It gave us a perfect between the legs shot and though its to soon to know for sure my doctor said she is think its a boy. I sure looks like it lol. Im pretty sure we will see it really good on my next visit. Other then that I just enjoyed conference weekend. On Sunday we got to spend time with Daniels family and then mine and that was really nice. Well I just wanted to let you all know everything went great at the doctors and it seems like its going to stay that way :D

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another Long One lol

A few things have happened since I last blogged. Well after going to the doctors I was feeling a little better but then I started puking again and decided the nausea pills didnt work so I stopped taking them. Well I was tired of not being able to eat or drink so I called my doctors office. I had an appointment in a few but I couldnt wait that long. Well that place is always super busy! So when I called on Tuesday I might get an appointment on Thursday or Friday. But nope they asked if I could be there in an hour. So I called my mom and she came and got me. I figured that the Lord really wanted me to go cause I beileve I only got in that fast because of him. Well when I got back to Machell she looked at the baby and it was fine the due date was Oct 25th so 2 days different from last time but I dont think any of them are going to be the same lol. And she showed us the babys heart beat. It was so cool. This was my first time ever I didnt even hear the heartbeat with my other pregnancy. Of course Daniel was pretty upset cause he wasnt there but thats ok. Well she told me that I just have really bad morning sickness. So she gave me more nausea pills and said take then 4 times a day instead of 2. Plus I was dehydrated again! So I had to get an IV. She told me if I couldnt keep anything down after this then I might have to come in 2 to 3 times a week to get an IV. UGH! But luckily Ive been feeling alot better. Not really eating a whole lot still but a least it all stays down.
I have to go back to the doctors next Thursday because they were worried about my weight cause I lost so much in 2 weeks.
Other then that things have been going ok lol. Daniel is feeling alot better he is no longer sick. I no longer work at Costco me and my boss thought that was the best thing to do.
I would put the new picture up of the baby cause its super cute! Daniel says if its a girl her nickname is peanut cause it looks like a peanut. But I feel like being nice to Kaleena so I wont put it up this time lol.
Anyways I will let you know how my doctor appointment goes next week and Ill keep you all informed :D

Friday, March 20, 2009

want to see some cool things

my brother in law Daryl his wife Ali and there friend Nate are making these beautiful pictures out of wood. They can make anything and lately they have been making temples which are wonderful! You should go check them out here at DN Arts. You wont regret looking at this beautiful art!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its Going Around

It seems that everyone lately is getting sick and me and Daniel are in that group lol.Lets start with Daniel.Daniel has been sick for like a week or so and he said there are tons of people at his work that are sick. I believe this is cause they dont have a very good sick policy lol.Saturday Daniels left side of his face and throat were huge so he went to the doctors. He had an infectious abscesses in his throat so they gave him some medicine and stuff. They said if it got worst he had to go to the hospital. Thank goodness this didnt happen. He wasnt allowed to go to work yesterday but hes doing alot better. His face isnt as big its still a little abnormal but nothing major. He is also starting to act like his normal goofy self. Well for me, Friday I woke up with a sore throat and not feeling to good. I figured I would catch something sooner or later cause alot of people have been sick. Well when Daniel went to the doctors on Saturday I was going to go cause Friday was horrible and I couldnt eat cause my throat was so sore. Well Saturday I felt a little better so I didnt go. Sunday I woke up feeling worst and no matter what I ate or drank it wouldnt stay down. I was puking even if I wasnt eating or drinking and let me tell you stomach acid is not a fun thing to puke lol. So Monday Daniel took me to the doctors. They said that it wasnt strep cause the test was negative. But I was super dehydrated from not being able to keep anything down. So they had to give me an IV. I was at the doctors for about 3 hours and they still never told me what was wrong. But they gave me a shot for the nausea and pills to take at home and some amoxcillin just in case. Im feeling alot better today I can actually eat. My nose and throat are still bothering me but thats ok. I just figured I would let you know what has been going on with us and I hope you all stay healthly and dont catch whatever is going around lol

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It really upsets me

so I need to get it off my chest. Im really upset that the HBO series Big Love is going to air sacred LDS temple stuff. I just dont understand why people would do this. I feel like they are making it just to make fun of the Latter Day Saints.I just dont get it. Then I was reading comments on KSLs website and people are really mean about this. They think its stupid that Mormons are getting mad over this and that you can just watch in on youtube anyways so whats the big deal. All I know is that this stuff really makes me sad and that I wish people could respect each other and there beliefs no matter what they are. Ive been to the temple a few times I should go more and I know how special it is. I just dont get why people dont understand that. I know Im just rambling but it upsets me alot. And I wish people would keep what happens in the temple sacred like the Lord asks.

Yay There Only One lol

There is my new baby!! And there is only one :D Unless the other one is hiding but dont think so. My due date is Oct 20th :D So everything seems fine except the baby is a little small. Im suppose to be 8 weeks 2 days but instead im 7 weeks 3 days so Im 5 days behind. My doctor said this could be that I just dropped an egg late or that she just didnt measure it right on the machine. She wants me to come back in 3 weeks instead of 4 so my next appointment is 0ct 31. Its pretty exciting. Im just a little worried cause the last time she said its kind of small come back in 3 weeks I lost it. But I hope and pray everything will goes good. Well thats all thats been going on in my life. And sorry Ka for the picture I know it creeps you out lol

Friday, March 6, 2009


Ka tagged me so I guess I will do it.

The rules:
I need to list 5 addictions that I have and pass this tag/award to 5 more fabulous blogs.

My Addictions:
1. Penguins
2. Anything with music notes on them
3. Hot Cheetos
4. Daniel
5. Hoodies

I tag: Livi, Ali, Britt, Joanna and thats it cause Ka tagged everyone else I know that has a blog lol

Monday, March 2, 2009

Weird Things Going On

So not alot has happened since I last posted except Im super sick. I got a cold about the same time morning sickness came along. The cold I think is almost gone but this morning sickness is tons worst then last time. Im sick like half of the day sometimes the whole day. I can barley do anything cause Im so sick and tired all the time. Plus for some reason Im having cramps and other pains that shouldnt be happening yet since Im only like 7 weeks. And Im already getting bigger then I should be at 7 weeks. Its not fun at all. To tell you the truth I think this is all happening cause I think Im having twins. And Im not the only one who thinks it my father in law who is never wrong with the gender has had 2 dreams now that I had twins. When I called my grandma about this she started laughing and said she had a dream I had twins and shes not usually wrong either but Im not sure of that yet cause I dont go to the doctor till a week but thats what Im thinking the problem is. Ah man if I have twins thats going to be a whole new adventure for me and Daniel but I think we can handle it. Well I better go cause to me it just sounds like Im complaining alot lol. Ill write again after I go to the doctors or if something exciting happens.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Doctors Appointment!

My first one is March 10th at 2! Im so happy! I just wanted to let you all know. Its just really weird to think im about 5 weeks when I should be 28 but thats ok at least I get a chance to have another one. :D So far my grandma, my brother and one of the familys friends thinks its a girl. They are silly. I havent heard what Daryl thinks yet but thats who I believe lol. But Im kind of thinking it might be a girl too cause unlike Riley I havent had morning sickness and stuff, but I am only 5 weeks so it might come later. Anyways if it is a girl her name is going to be Caitlynn Suzanne and of course if its a boy its going to be Aiden RD. Im so happy. I cant wait to go to the doctor and see my baby on the machine :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

What A Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Ok so the last few days have been GREAT!!!!!!!!! So lets start with Valentines day :D That morning Daniel went to go get gas and breakfast burritos well when he came home I said thank you for not getting me anything cause I didnt want him to spend more money on me cause he just got me a ring that cost about 160 that I get in a week. Well as soon as I said this Daniel starts laughing and he goes into the living room and brings back chocolate covered strawberries and I told him thank you and he laugh again and said oh thats not all and we went got a big pink daisy and I said I love it thank you and what happens he laughs again and said oh thats not it when he came back this time he had a dozen of pink roses. And that was it lol. I swear hes the best husband ever. Well then me, Daniel and Turbo (aka Jake Daniels best friend) went to Monster Trucks. I know what your thinking monster trucks on valentines? Well it was my idea I love them lol. Turbo was suppose to bring a date but couldnt find one but that fine too it didnt matter to me. Well I thought it started at 230 cause thats what it said online when I got the tickets well we got there at like 233. Well I realized man alots gone on so far in 3 mins so I checked the ticket and it started at 2 but thats ok it was still GREAT! After that we went to Turbos house and played games, where they sang me happy birthday since my birthday was on Sunday. It was alot of fun sure it wasnt what I was expecting at all for Valentines day but that ok it was still good.
On Sunday it was my birthday. Yep I am not 19. I know shocking. Well I went to church like a good kid and then came home and I had a birthday party for the first time in I dont know how many years. I invited family and a few friends it was great. I didnt get a lot of presents but thats fine I really dont care about them anyways. The funniest thing is my mom, step dad and brother got me a half gallon of milk and hot Cheetos cause they didnt know what to get me, cause I had no idea what I wanted. But later on they gave me money but I would of been fine with just the hot Cheetos and milk i love those lol. Well thats all that happened that day. Oh wait thats not all it (he he I wanted to do it too) Well I decided to take a pregnancy test because Im a week late and I thought it would be cool if I was pregnant I found out on my birthday. So I took one and it said....................POSITIVE! :D yay Im so happy! It was the best birthday present I could ever ask for. Im not sure how far along I am but one of the due date calendar said Im due Oct 18th and Im about 5 weeks but I guess Ill find out when I got to the doctor in a few weeks. Anyways thats all my news.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I Love The Way The Lord Works

ok so I now really really believe more then I did before that the Lord answers prayers and that tithing can give you blessing. So me and Daniel like 2 weeks ago was really struggling I mean we could even pay rent and I know its cause we dont spend money wisely anyways Daniel said we are going to get a bonus from work its probably going to be 100 I said ok cool thats a little bit more money. Well it was 1200 after taxes so we paid off the clinic so that was cool. Well we were still kind of broke cause our medical bill was like 700 something and we went crazy thinking we had money when we didnt were stupid like that well even though I got paid we were sure how we were going to Moab cause we had to make a car payment so there goes my whole check. Well yesterday I got on our banking account thinking oh were have about 600 cause Daniel just got paid well we had 112 in our line of credit which I was expecting and I look up and there is 1600 in our checking I had no idea how we got that much so I open it and instead of getting 1001 back from taxes we got 1300 we think this is cause last year they didnt give us our whole stimulus thing so yeah well so I called the hospital to pay off the last hospital bill and they gave me 20% for paying it all at once so it was like 700 something not 900. So I thought that was super cool. So we were doing pretty good. well I woke up this morning thinking its Friday the 13th and something good always happens to me and my family on Friday the 13th but all the good things hap pend yesterday well I was sleeping and Daniel called and said you need to get up and look at our bank account I thought oh no we missed something or I did something yesterday and tried to get limewire and it wasnt and I paid for it so I thought they were taking money out of our account cause I gave them our card number so I asked are we poor and he said just the opposite he said his work but in our 2nd part of the bonus we got in dec so they put in 1600 so im just in shock cause we have all this extra money and its just awesome and I just want to tell people cause i think its such a cool story cause I know its cause of the Lord this is happening

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Silly Clumsyness!

So today I was running down the stair to get something and at the very last stair I tripped and twist my ankle all funny. I mean the top of my foot hit the carpet. Also when this happened I heard a loud popping noise. Well thank goodness there is a couch at the bottom of the stairs. So I sat down on the end of the couch and tried to walk well that wasnt working. So I just layed on the couch and cried cause no one was home and it hurt so bad. I called Daniel and he said he was coming home. But he works in Brigham and the winter was horrible today so that means bad roads. So I texted Colette cause she was in a camp meeting and she said she would be home soon. So when Colette got home she moved and she said it had good flexibility so it wasnt broken. Well she thought I should still go to the doctor. She wrapped it and gave me so medicine and some ice. Then Daniel came home and we were just going to the doctor when I stepped on it and it popped again. So they think I popped it back into place. So no need to go to the doctor. I just layed there and cried cause of the pain (im a pansy) Well finally Daniel gave me a blessing and after that I fell asleep and it feels alot better then it did. I still have pain but not as bad. And I believe its cause of the blessing the pain isnt as bad. Well its still huge and its bruised but things will get better. Im just going to stay off of it as much as possible so we can go tp Moab in 2 weeks lol. I just love how clumsy I am lol

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Elder Ben Duane Wright!

This is my friend Ben. Ive known him since we started middle school so what 7 or 8 years. Well today I went to his farewell. Hes going to the Washington Tacoma Mission. Me and him arent best of friends or anything but he is on of my friends that are very dear to me no matter how far we grow from each other. I just wanted to write about how proud I am that he decided to go on a mission. Its so weird to think that someone that I have known for so long is going on a mission. It kind of makes me feel old lol. I mean Im going to be 19 in a week lol. Anyways I know that Ben will be a great missionary and that he will touch alot of peoples hearts cause hes a great guy.I pray he will stay safe and he will have the Holy Ghost with him always.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scentional Savings!

This month everything* is 10% off. Even that awesome warmer of the month is 10% off. The scent of the month is called Taracco Mint. Everyone I know has liked it so far. If anyone wants anything just let me know!
But man isnt that warmer this month awesome! I love it! Its my favorite!
*the only thing not 10% off is the perfect scentsy,scentsy sampler and double the scentsy


yep im a red head! I did it! I love my hair! Its great! Sorry about the picture its the only one that comes close to the real color. Its alot brighter in person and alot brighter in the sun! Its amazing!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hair Nets Are Sexy!

Yep thats what I look like when I work. People say no one looks good in hair nets but I pull it off lol. Not really. So today was my first day and it wasnt to bad just super boring cause they put me in the back. I think thats what people said to me most is "wow they have you by yourself back here" or something like that lol. I did ok except when I was about 4 hours into it my feet started hurting really bad. I just kept praying please help me get through this lol. But hey its money. I dont work tomorrow but I work Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Saturday is an 8 hour shift not 6. And in these next 4 days I have 2 Scentsy parties. So by Sunday I'm going to be completely dead and probably thinking if I want to go to church or not. But I will cause I have too. Not only cause its the right thing to do but Sunday me and Daniel are getting sustained into our new callings. Well thats about it going on in my bust life. Daniel says "hey a least your not bored at home now lol" He always looks at the brighter side of things lol

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tell Me What You Think

What do you think of me as a red head? Ignore the way the hair looks and the make up I was just goofying off. But I think I might look good as a red head and I wanted to see what you guys thought or if I was crazy or not lol

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Want To See Something Funny

go to my kitties blog and watch the video.

A Working Woman

Yep thats right I have a job! Surprising isnt it? lol Im a sample lady at Costco. Its not full time but we just need a little extra cash. Its 11 bucks an hour and I work 6 hour shifts. It sounds like it should be lots of fun. The only thing Im not going to like about it is I cant wear my wedding ring and Im a girly girl and I cant have nail polish or fake nails ugh. But it will be ok. I just need to help us out for a little bit lol. Anyways I just wanted to let you all know!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A New Adventure

So today I decided I want to sew. I have never really sewed alot in my life. I did in home economics when I was in 8th grade but I never went to school so it wasnt alot lol. And plus that was what 6 years ago lol. So I wanted to make a skirt but Colette said I should start with PJs cause they are the easiest. So I got some fabric and a pattern and we will see how it goes lol. I also have some fabric that I bought a little while ago to make a baby blanket and even though I'm not having a baby now I thought hey I should make it anyways and practice. So thats what I'm going to do lol. Im pretty sure that they are going to suck cause the only time I have sew it was WAY crooked lol. But I'll take a picture when I'm done and show you all I just wanted to tell you my new thing lol

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Warmer of the Month and Scent of the Month

The Warmer this month is called Sweetheart and the scent this month is Spruce and Citrus. It has a very interesting smell. I kind of like it lol. Also this month if you host a party you get 2 half priced item instead of one if your party is more the $150 :D. You can also check out my web site here if you want get anything special for anyone for Valentines day :D. You can also email me from there or leave a comment on here if you are interested in having a party. Cause why not it makes perfect senses ;D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lots Of Pinches Here

So tomorrow is the 2nd weight in for our biggest loser competition. Last week me and Daniel lost one pound each which put him in last place and which put me in 2nd to last. So thats not very good. But we decied and we talked to everyone that were not going to put in money cause our hospital bills are so high. So if we win by some chance we dont get the money which is fine with us. Anyways Im pretty sure this week I didnt lose any if anything I put on some pounds. lol So it should be interesting on how it goes lol. Thats about all thats happened this week except my launch party which I already mentioned. Since then I have booked 3 partirs :D. So this business is going great! I hope it keeps going good. Well I hope all of you are having a good 2009 so far I will talk to you later

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Makes Perfect Sense

So I had my launch party tonight. It went really good. The whole party was like $305 so I maked like $61 and to me thats not bad I mean thats date night lol. The only thing that made me sad is that 12 people showed up out of like 45 people invited. And I realized tonight I really dont have any friends. All that showed up was family and my neighbors. And one of my friends showed up ONE!!!!!!!! Seriously! I mean I understand why Olivia didnt come cause she told me she wasnt going to make it cause her and Micheal was doing something and thats fine with me cause I know that husbands are more important. And my friend Jessi told me she had plans already and thats fine too. But other then that no one else said they were coming. Im fine they didnt come I just wish they would of told me "hey I cant make it" and that would of been better then nothing. But hey thats how life goes I guess. But I am happy for the people that did come and that they bought stuff that really makes me happy and my neighbor booked a party yay! Anyways I just wanted to let you know it went good. And that Ka is a GREAT help and I love her dearly and I dont know what I would do without her :D

Friday, January 2, 2009


Yay the new year is finally here. I sure hope this year is better the 2008 cause to tell you the truth it sucked. The only good thing about 2008 was graduating and that wasnt all that exciting to me lol.
Anyways New Years Eve we went to Stines party at her house she turned 11 this year. Then we came home and ate food and played the air hockey tournament. I almost won in the Losers Bracket (people that already lost) but Ali beat me lol. And thats about it.
We started our family biggest loser competition. Which includes me, Daniel, Livi, Muk (hes gaining muscle weight), Jenn, Toni, Jason, Daryl and Ali. It started on Jan 1st and its going to go till April 1st. Im not sure if im going to stay in it. I mean I'm still going to workout and stuff cause I really need to get in shape but I dont know about this whole competition thing. I thought it was going to be a support thing not everyone saying "im going to win" I thought it was going to be how are you doing thats good type thing and whoever lost the most weight we all were like "good job" But instead they want to win money. In my opinion thats stupid. The motivation shouldnt be about money it should be about making yourself a better and healthier person and helping the people you love to do the same. So I really think I might drop out cause I really dont like competition,but will see how it goes.
Man I worked out today and man it was hard but thats ok. I really need to be in better shape. I want to lose about 64 pounds will see how that goes lol.
Well I hope you all had a great New Years Eve and that you have a great year in 2009! :D