Monday, February 9, 2009

Silly Clumsyness!

So today I was running down the stair to get something and at the very last stair I tripped and twist my ankle all funny. I mean the top of my foot hit the carpet. Also when this happened I heard a loud popping noise. Well thank goodness there is a couch at the bottom of the stairs. So I sat down on the end of the couch and tried to walk well that wasnt working. So I just layed on the couch and cried cause no one was home and it hurt so bad. I called Daniel and he said he was coming home. But he works in Brigham and the winter was horrible today so that means bad roads. So I texted Colette cause she was in a camp meeting and she said she would be home soon. So when Colette got home she moved and she said it had good flexibility so it wasnt broken. Well she thought I should still go to the doctor. She wrapped it and gave me so medicine and some ice. Then Daniel came home and we were just going to the doctor when I stepped on it and it popped again. So they think I popped it back into place. So no need to go to the doctor. I just layed there and cried cause of the pain (im a pansy) Well finally Daniel gave me a blessing and after that I fell asleep and it feels alot better then it did. I still have pain but not as bad. And I believe its cause of the blessing the pain isnt as bad. Well its still huge and its bruised but things will get better. Im just going to stay off of it as much as possible so we can go tp Moab in 2 weeks lol. I just love how clumsy I am lol


The Knudsen's said...

I hope that your ankle/foot feels better soon. Sorry that you got hurt.

Bev said...

feel better go to whole foods or some where liek that and buy some arnica it is a natural remedy that heals bruising and such it works believe me--anyway that is what I am tolg because IA am not a klutz don't belive anything to the contrary that Ka might tell you!