Sunday, February 8, 2009

Elder Ben Duane Wright!

This is my friend Ben. Ive known him since we started middle school so what 7 or 8 years. Well today I went to his farewell. Hes going to the Washington Tacoma Mission. Me and him arent best of friends or anything but he is on of my friends that are very dear to me no matter how far we grow from each other. I just wanted to write about how proud I am that he decided to go on a mission. Its so weird to think that someone that I have known for so long is going on a mission. It kind of makes me feel old lol. I mean Im going to be 19 in a week lol. Anyways I know that Ben will be a great missionary and that he will touch alot of peoples hearts cause hes a great guy.I pray he will stay safe and he will have the Holy Ghost with him always.

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