Thursday, July 16, 2009

100 Facts About Me!

Livi did this so I figured I wanted to do it too lol.
1. I dont think there is a person on this planet thats as amazing and wonderful as Daniel.
2. My family is my everything.
3. I love my cats like they are my children. They arent pets to me they are family.
4.I have a very low self esteem.
5. I like to complain alot. I complain every day about something or someone.
6. Religion is very important to me even though I dont always show it like I should.
7. I have a hoodie obsession. I have like 20 hoodies and I still want more
8. I have jealousy issues.
9. I love to get my way.
10. Im very stubborn.
11. I love going to the temple even though I dont go enough as I should.
12. There isnt a person I know that I havent complained about.
13. For some reason people enjoy talking to me when they having a hard time. I dont mind this. I love helping people. I just dont see how I help at all.
14. I usually fight with my mom once a week.
15. I dont really trust men. There are a few that I do trust but not many.
16. I always think people are talking about me behind my back.
17. I dont handle pain very good.
18. Im not very good at spelling.
19. I always hate my hair, no matter what the style is.
20.I dont get things done until the very last moment.
21. I think I'm a very lazy person, but I dont do anything to change this.
22. The future scares me.
23. I have obsession issues, especially with Daniel.
24. Im super clingy and I hate spending time away from Daniel.
25. I repeat myself alot.
26. I like board games more then video games.
27. I throw random fits for no reason.
28. Im a very nosey person I love to know whats going on in other peoples lives.
29.I dont understand somethings that Daniel says. So when he starts talking about smarty pants things I usually dont listen.
30. Im horrible at math.
31. I LOVE penguins!
32. I have an obsession with the color pink.
33. Im the summer time me and Daniel get snow cones at least 2 times a week.
34. I love every form of potatoes
35. I get grossed out very easily.
36. I usually always order chicken when I got out to eat.
37. Im not very adventurous.
38. I bruise very easily.
39. There are only like 3 or 4 guys I can stand being alone with.
40. Im smarter then what people really think.
41. I hate scary and action movies.
42. Im obsessed with musicals. There are only a very few that I do not like.
43. If your in my car on a Saturday night you listen to Show tunes Saturday nights, if you like it or not.
44. I never listen to a song all the way through.
45. I check Myspace and Facebook a million times a day on my phone.
46. If something has music notes on it I always want it, even if its a pair of socks.
47. I love earrings even though I never wear them.
48. I have anger issues and get angry really easy for no reason.
49. When Im really angry I start punching and throwing things.
50. I love all types of music.
51. Some how when I write alot I get pen all over my hands. (Same goes for markers or paint)
52. Its a rare moment when you see my bedroom completely clean.
53. I wish I sang more then I do.
54. I usually make fun of people.
55. I love my religion and I believe in it with all my heart but most Sundays I dont want to go to church.
56. I love to read but I usually dont.
57. I love to help people out but I hate it when someone trys to help me.
58. I have a horrible gag reflex.
59. I tell Daniel everything even when Im told not to tell him.
60. I would never want to be famous but I would love to be on Broadway.
61. I can sit around for hours doing nothing.
62. I usually dont get out of bed till noon.
63. I make alot of excuses for everything.
64. Most of the time I hate loud noisy places.
65. Im terrified of most bugs.
66. I eat ranch on almost everything.
67. Im super scared of clowns except rodeo clowns do not scare me.
68. Im super girly but at the same time Im a tom boy.
69. This number always makes me laugh.
70. Im usually very dirty minded.
71. I hate making decisions
72. No matter what the weather is like I complain about it
73. I dont make alot of sense. Im hard to figure out.
74. If I could start a cat refuge and get all the cats out of shelters I would.
75. Dogs scare me.
76. I make up alot of my own words.
77. Ive changed alot in the last few years.
78. I wish I had lots of money so I could help my family.
79. I love getting mail.
80. I really dont like being the center of attention.
81. I have lots I need to learn.
82. I love spending money even though I know we usually dont have any.
83. I can eat out everyday.
84. I love being alone with Daniel.
85. I have a journal that I write in only like once a month.
86. I have a swearing problem, which Im trying to fix.
87. I dont understand why people like to smoke cigarettes.
88. I try not to be judgemental, even though usually I am.
89. If I have a problem with you believe me you will know.
90. Im horrible at hiding my feelings.
91. I hate when people complain that their lives are so horrible. Even though I do it alot. But Im trying not too.
92. I usually dont like myself.
93. I hate when people say they were "born" that way. We are all born the same its the choices you make that make you you.
94. I hate the colors yellow and brown.
95. Im always under a blanket even if its super hot outside.
96. Natural disasters scare the crap out of me.
97. I love rain but I hate thunder and lighting.
98. I hate to drive.
99. Im not sure how Daniel puts up with me but Im glad he does.
100. This didnt take as long as I though it would :D

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