Monday, July 13, 2009


So the last few days have been pretty intersting! Saturday was scottys wedding and it was so beautiful and so nice! The only bad part is that it was outside and super hot!we were there from 1130 till 4 cause daniel was the camera guy (which he was super excited for by the way). It was so nice to see Scott get married! I even cried lol but by 4 I was ready to go home. When we got home we found out both of us was sunburned but almost everyone that was there got sunburned lol. Well I started not feeling good that night cause of all the heat. By Sunday I really didn't feel good. And I was having sharp cramping pains in my lower stomach and back. These were happening like every hour or so but were getting closer together. We thought it could be dehydration so I drank tons of gatorade and that didn't help so of course we went up to the hospital. I was there a good 4 hours or so. And they weren't really sure what was wrong cause no contractions were showing up on the machine and they checked my cervix and it was closed. And Caitlynn was doing great. It was funny though cause they put monitors on me for the her heartbeat and to see if there was contractions well she didn't like that so she kept kicking them so on the machine you kept hearing thud thud we thought that was pretty funny. But they have me some pain medicine and some medicine to stop contractions (which is one of the worst medicines ever) in case that's what it was and it seemed to help so they sent me on my way. But told me to see my doctor in the morning cause Machell couldn't come in cause she was out of town. So I went to see Machell today and she measured and felt things I don't think should be felt cause it hurts! But she said everything seemed fine to be careful and stay out of the sun. She gave me other restrictions too but I won't explain that one (hint hint) She told me she thinks this happened cause I probably had a heat stroke or that maybe Caitlynn was laying sideways and got stuck which can cause contractions or both. I have to go see her next week which was my normal scheduled appointment and hopefully we won't have any more of these scares.

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