Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So I had to go back up to the hospital again yesterday! The night before my doctor called in a prescription to stop contraction. Yeah I took it and it didn't help I still felt pain so I called the next day and she said well I don't think it has anything to do with pregnancy go up to the er and have them check your appendix and stuff. So that's what I did. Well when I got there the er took me up to birth and delivery the nurses told me up there its cause they are scared of pregnant women in the er lol anyways. It took them forever to do all the lab work and take me to get my kidneys and stuff ultrasounded. I was there for 1 till 9 and guess what they found out? Its normal! Yeah they said the pain I'm having is just normal pregnancy pain. They seriously had to keep me there that long just to tell me that! Yeah I wasn't happy. But at least now we know that's its nothing to worry about and its just something I have to suffer with. Only 97 more days or around there and this will all be over with thank goodness! (sorry I'm complaining a lot I just really don't do good with pain lol)

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