Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Update Time lol

I havent done alot since I last wrote a blog cause of the stupid pain I have been having but Im getting more use to it and start to just deal with it and not be just a pansy lol.
Yesterday me and Daniel went to the rodeo it was lots of fun. We even got stadium seats to put on the bleachers so I had back support that was really nice. I love the rodeo. I try to go ever year when it comes. The animals were crazy even the sheep for mutton busten (little kids riding sheep) were crazy. Caitlynn didnt like it at first cause we were right by speakers so it was super loud but she calmed down lol. After wards they had fireworks. I was excited cause this is the first time I saw them this year since we didnt see them on the 4th. I just love spending time with Daniel its always alot of fun.
Today I went to the doctor. This time it was a normal visit. Lets see Ive gained 3 pounds since last time I got weight which was a week ago! But my doctor said you havent gained an ounce cause were back to were I started at before I lost alot of weight lol. They also poked my finger to check iron and sugar levels. Which sucked! For one I hate getting my finger poked and for another I had to drink a 20 oz soda and eat a candy bar in ten to fifteen mins before I went to the doctors. I know that doesnt sound horrible cause dont get me wrong I love soda and candy but Im not a faster eater and so it was hard for me lol. My sugar levels are good. Which Im happy about but my iron was low but I havent been taking my vitamins like I should so thats the reason there. Nothing serious I just need to take them lol. Well Caitlynn is doing great! Machell says everything looks good. That my pain is caused by my ligaments stretching and Caitlynns head is in my gallbladder lol. Machell did like a 3d thing and looked at Caitlynns face and right afterwards said I think she has your nose lol. The funniest part was she always measures the belly the head and the leg bone well the head and the belly said 25 weeks (im 27) but the leg said 28 weeks lol. So she has really long legs lol. But that would make sense I mean even though Im short im all legs lol. Once again Caitlynn was a little behind like always but Machell said today she thinks that is cause she has a little head, which is a good thing cause that makes labor a little more easier lol.
Well thats all thats been going on. Im sorry if I bore you but hey someone wants to know whats going on right? lol

1 comment:

Olivia said...

nope...no one wants to know...just kidding! :P