Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shes here!

As most of you know Caitlynn Suzanne is here. She was born on October 8th 2009. She weight 6 lbs 6 ozs and was 19 inches. She was born at 8:48 pm. Sorry it has took me forever to write but things have been busy and I have been lazy. Plus I thought everyone already knew cause of Facebook lol. But I figured I should write a post about it too.
Ok so she wasnt suppose to come till October 13th even though her due date was October 20th. My midwife thought it would be best if we could get her here as soon as possible since I was extremely uncomfortable cause I was at 3 for like 3 weeks and because I have problems in the past. Well I had an appointment on October 6th and Machell said come in on Thursday and not Friday cause I want to check your fluid. So Daniel took me in at 9 am on Thursday October 8th cause she also said she wanted to see me early. Well the ultrasound on Tuesday said that she was 7lbs and on Thursday it said she was 6 lbs 6 ozs. Plus the fluid was really low. So Machell said I think Im going to try to get you in earlier then next Tuesday so go out and get on the monitors (they always put me on these the last few weeks) and we will see what we can do. So I went out and Machell hadnt talked to her nurse yet cause she got right on the phone with the hospital so we had to wait for her to get off the phone. Well when she got off she said I got you in today dont even go home just head up right now. So thats what we did. Boy were we excited. Ok Daniel was excited I was scared to death lol. We got there and they got me in a room and start my IV and started me on medicine to make me have contractions (that was about 10:30 am). So me, Daniel, my mom, my grandma and great grandma sat around for awhile. Well about 4 I decided I would get an epidural before Machell came and broke my water. I wasnt in a lot of pain yet but they said it would get worse after my water was broke so I faced my fear. Cause I was really scared of it but everyone said that it would be ok and guess what? It was the worse part!!! Yeah it took them 45 mins and 5 or 6 different tries (I lost track cause of the pain) to get it in! I almost gave up when they were switching people doing it when Machell walked and told Daniel to pull on my arms to help curve my back when it finally went in. And Im so glad that I got it even if it did suck cause after that everything else was a piece of cake lol. Well after she broke my water (about 5:30) she said I was at a 5 and that we probably would be there all night she expected midnight or later. Well the nurse came in about an hour later and she told me I was at a 10! But she didnt want me to start pushing yet cause she wanted Caitlynn to move down naturally first cause it was easier that way. After that I lost track off time but it wasnt long till Machell was in and they had me start. I didnt have to push long which was good. And as you know Caitlynn was born at 8:48 pm so yeah it was a long day but could of been longer lol. Daniel thought it was cool cause he got to stand right next to my midwife cause I was to short to hold on to these handles to help you push so they had me play tug a war with Daniel with a towel lol. I liked him right there too cause I knew something was happening when hes eyes started watering lol. Things went really easy after the epidural until the next day when my back hurt like crazy! But thats ok.
We only stayed in the hospital only one day which was fine with us and since then things have been going great! I just cant believe it has only been 2 weeks it seems like it was longer then that but thats ok Im kind of glad things are going slow cause I know shes going to grow up way to fast! At her 2 week appointment she was 5 lbs and 14 ozs and 19 1/2 in. So they are a little worried cause shes not growing but shes eats so we will just have to wait and see.
Its just amazing to have her here! She is the most perfect baby. She hardly cries and if she does she doesnt cry for very long. She has been smiling since basically the day she was born. She can almost hold her head up by herself. If shes awake she now tries to give you kisses back if you kiss her. Shes just great! Its still really weird to me that Im a mom and that she is mine for all eternity but I do love her with all my heart!
Well I'll try to keep up with the blog thing so I dont have to write HUGE posts like this and so that you dont have to read HUGE posts like this lol.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats! She is super cute. I'm glad everyone is well!!