Tuesday, September 22, 2009

its the final countdown!

Thought my water broke but I was wrong. But that's ok its better to be safe then sorry right lol. But I'm at a good 1 and possible a 2 so maybe a little bigger since friday. Caitlynns head is really low and ready to go. I have no mucus plug. Which I really don't understand what that does anyways lol. And I'm having "mild" contractions every ten mins. Which freaks me out cause they are just mild and hurt like crazy! But hey at least now they are showing up on the monitor lol. The nurse said she said ill probably deliver sometime in the next 2 weeks! That's frightening! And to top it all off I have a bladder infection which probably isn't adding to the pain problem. Soon it will all be over with. So you never know maybe my next post will be to welcome caitlynn to the world!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope everything works out as I'm sure they will! You'll be in my prayers! I'll bet you and Daniel are so excited!