Friday, September 18, 2009

Any Bets?

Sorry I haven't wrote a post in awhile. Not much as been going on. I'm just trying to survive being pregnant and Daniel just has been working so the normal stuff lately lol. I've been having a lot of pain lately and thought maybe it was contractions but I guess I was wrong cause the monitor today at the doctors didn't show anything lol. They think I might have a bladder infection. Isn't that just what I need a bad gallbladder a bladder infection and being pregnant. Sounds like fun doesn't it lol. Well today caitlynn was 5 pounds 5 ounces and I've only gained 2 pounds this whole pregnancy so far :] I think that's pretty impressive lol. Anyways I was dilated to about a 1 1/2 today and thinned about 85% percent! So I guess now I just wait and see what will happen. Any bets when she's coming? Lol

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