Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Half way!

Yep today Im 20 weeks. That means Im half way done! YAY So Im pretty excited! But at the same time scared cause Ive been told I just went through the easy part and if that was easy what is this other part going to be like lol. I still havent gained any weight Im hoping the baby is still ok. Im sure it is cause Ive been eating just fine.
Other then that nothing has been going on. We went camping in Flamming Gorge Memorial Day weekend. We had lots of fun even though it rained alot and Daniel caught like 5 fish. I didnt catch anything because I was to scared to go on the boat lol. Other then that we are finally back home from Grams. So now Im trying to get the basement cleaned since we left it a disaster lol. And me and Daniel decided were not going to get a house just yet cause we cant afford it but we are going to look at apartments and stuff in Brigham because I really dont want to be living at my in law when the little one comes lol.
I hope all of you are doing good. And I will post a new blog most likely next week when I go to my target ultrasound so I can let everyone know how that goes. So until then bye lol

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