Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It really upsets me

so I need to get it off my chest. Im really upset that the HBO series Big Love is going to air sacred LDS temple stuff. I just dont understand why people would do this. I feel like they are making it just to make fun of the Latter Day Saints.I just dont get it. Then I was reading comments on KSLs website and people are really mean about this. They think its stupid that Mormons are getting mad over this and that you can just watch in on youtube anyways so whats the big deal. All I know is that this stuff really makes me sad and that I wish people could respect each other and there beliefs no matter what they are. Ive been to the temple a few times I should go more and I know how special it is. I just dont get why people dont understand that. I know Im just rambling but it upsets me alot. And I wish people would keep what happens in the temple sacred like the Lord asks.


Bev said...

I am addicted to big love and when they showed the sealing it was so lame nothing like the real thing. They used some of the same words but that is about all they were in wedding clothes in a back yard all pretty tacky. If i hadn't been to the temple I wouldn't have know the wording is almost the same as a jewish wedding I went to. I LOVE the statement on the church's website about it.http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/commentary/the-publicity-dilemma

Don't get me wrong I think peple should respect evvery one too. I haven't read te KSL web site.

Bev said...

Hey it's me again! All my nonmember friends that saw Big love were totally confused by the big Love temple scene I have been explaining about eh temple and telling how there are people often trying to get in on others recommends. I have even been able to give a few missionary referrals I had to go on line and watch the temple scene so I could answer questions it was weird and of course they didn't have the spirit and Holiwoodfied it so it was a little creepy. So if nothing more comes from it I've got to practice my missionary skills. but they could have should have left the scene out