Monday, March 2, 2009

Weird Things Going On

So not alot has happened since I last posted except Im super sick. I got a cold about the same time morning sickness came along. The cold I think is almost gone but this morning sickness is tons worst then last time. Im sick like half of the day sometimes the whole day. I can barley do anything cause Im so sick and tired all the time. Plus for some reason Im having cramps and other pains that shouldnt be happening yet since Im only like 7 weeks. And Im already getting bigger then I should be at 7 weeks. Its not fun at all. To tell you the truth I think this is all happening cause I think Im having twins. And Im not the only one who thinks it my father in law who is never wrong with the gender has had 2 dreams now that I had twins. When I called my grandma about this she started laughing and said she had a dream I had twins and shes not usually wrong either but Im not sure of that yet cause I dont go to the doctor till a week but thats what Im thinking the problem is. Ah man if I have twins thats going to be a whole new adventure for me and Daniel but I think we can handle it. Well I better go cause to me it just sounds like Im complaining alot lol. Ill write again after I go to the doctors or if something exciting happens.

1 comment:

Bev said...

IF you have twins I will be jelous. the trick for morning sickness is well the bestt hing was to keep my blood sugar level I always had oyster crackers that I could snack on they are little portable and you only need like 10 to help. And snack before you get out of bed.