Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its Going Around

It seems that everyone lately is getting sick and me and Daniel are in that group lol.Lets start with Daniel.Daniel has been sick for like a week or so and he said there are tons of people at his work that are sick. I believe this is cause they dont have a very good sick policy lol.Saturday Daniels left side of his face and throat were huge so he went to the doctors. He had an infectious abscesses in his throat so they gave him some medicine and stuff. They said if it got worst he had to go to the hospital. Thank goodness this didnt happen. He wasnt allowed to go to work yesterday but hes doing alot better. His face isnt as big its still a little abnormal but nothing major. He is also starting to act like his normal goofy self. Well for me, Friday I woke up with a sore throat and not feeling to good. I figured I would catch something sooner or later cause alot of people have been sick. Well when Daniel went to the doctors on Saturday I was going to go cause Friday was horrible and I couldnt eat cause my throat was so sore. Well Saturday I felt a little better so I didnt go. Sunday I woke up feeling worst and no matter what I ate or drank it wouldnt stay down. I was puking even if I wasnt eating or drinking and let me tell you stomach acid is not a fun thing to puke lol. So Monday Daniel took me to the doctors. They said that it wasnt strep cause the test was negative. But I was super dehydrated from not being able to keep anything down. So they had to give me an IV. I was at the doctors for about 3 hours and they still never told me what was wrong. But they gave me a shot for the nausea and pills to take at home and some amoxcillin just in case. Im feeling alot better today I can actually eat. My nose and throat are still bothering me but thats ok. I just figured I would let you know what has been going on with us and I hope you all stay healthly and dont catch whatever is going around lol

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