Tuesday, December 15, 2009

100th post!!!!!!!

Things Caitlynn can do:
hold her own head up
smile when you talk to her
makes tons of noise
hold on to her toys
sits up for about 30 seconds by herself
rolls from side to side
finally can fit into clothes
holds her own bottle sometimes
follows really well
I cant believe shes already over 2 months old. Man time flies by. So last Friday I finally got my gallbladder out. Im doing ok except I found out I was allergic to the sterile strips they put over my 4 incisions. (They did the little camera thing on me to get it out.) So I now and huge blisters where the strips were. Other then that things are good. Ive been eating food and havent really had any problems with them. Other then that not alot has happened Caitlynn got her first shots and hated it. I have never heard her scream like that. But thankfully she was only grumpy that day. Shes pretty strong. Alot of things are coming up and I will try to keep you all informed and try to take pictures even though im horrible at that. i hope you all have great holidays.

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