Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lots Of Pinches Here

So tomorrow is the 2nd weight in for our biggest loser competition. Last week me and Daniel lost one pound each which put him in last place and which put me in 2nd to last. So thats not very good. But we decied and we talked to everyone that were not going to put in money cause our hospital bills are so high. So if we win by some chance we dont get the money which is fine with us. Anyways Im pretty sure this week I didnt lose any if anything I put on some pounds. lol So it should be interesting on how it goes lol. Thats about all thats happened this week except my launch party which I already mentioned. Since then I have booked 3 partirs :D. So this business is going great! I hope it keeps going good. Well I hope all of you are having a good 2009 so far I will talk to you later

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