Saturday, January 10, 2009

Makes Perfect Sense

So I had my launch party tonight. It went really good. The whole party was like $305 so I maked like $61 and to me thats not bad I mean thats date night lol. The only thing that made me sad is that 12 people showed up out of like 45 people invited. And I realized tonight I really dont have any friends. All that showed up was family and my neighbors. And one of my friends showed up ONE!!!!!!!! Seriously! I mean I understand why Olivia didnt come cause she told me she wasnt going to make it cause her and Micheal was doing something and thats fine with me cause I know that husbands are more important. And my friend Jessi told me she had plans already and thats fine too. But other then that no one else said they were coming. Im fine they didnt come I just wish they would of told me "hey I cant make it" and that would of been better then nothing. But hey thats how life goes I guess. But I am happy for the people that did come and that they bought stuff that really makes me happy and my neighbor booked a party yay! Anyways I just wanted to let you know it went good. And that Ka is a GREAT help and I love her dearly and I dont know what I would do without her :D

1 comment:

Doublebanker said...

Sometimes it really hard to organize a big party, and get the commitment from those attending. Sounds like a positive success for ya...