Monday, November 29, 2010

Riley Lynn Peterson.

My son, my first, my beautiful boy.
The thought of you in my life brought me great joy.
The dreams of raising,playing and loving you I have had.
The indescribable excitement of being your dad.
And now upon the news you won't live.
Tears flow from my face and drop like a sieve.
Though I never met you. Comfort I still find,
For you live on in my heart soul and mind.
Now I look to the day when we shall meet.
To see you in perfection from your head to your feet.
I will love you forever that is my oath.
While I am on this earth, my heart beats for us both.
- Daniel Peterson
I can't believe its been two year since we lost Riley at 17 weeks. To be honest this year is a little better then last. Last year I just had Caitlynn and though it comforted me I still felt like I should of had a 6 month old and not a 1 month old. Don't get me wrong I love Caitlynn and I am so grateful I have her but it doesn't cover all the pain. I think the reason I feel the most pain today is because I feel like I didn't protect him. Me and Daniel decided we couldn't handle seeing him or holding him and to be honest I regret it. After I had him they just wrapped him in a towel and put him in a ice cream bucket thing. I feel bad about that. I feel like I shouldn't of let that happen. I should of saw him in real life and not just in pictures that the hospital took for me. I feel bad because they just threw him in the incinerator like he was trash. Which he wasn't he was my child! I know I can't do anything about it now. I just wish I did something back then. I don't know when a spirit enters the body but I believe it does as soon as the baby has a heart beat. How can a heart beat with out a spirit? How can babies move with out a spirit? So I truly believe Riley is up there waiting for me and Daniel. He is taking care of his sibling while they wait to come to this year. I could be wrong but I really feel in my heart that I am not. Daniel told me last night I shouldn't feel bad for never holding him because he knows I couldn't do it emotionally. He also said he thinks Riley understands and still loves us. I really hope that is true. Daniel had a dream a few weeks ago and he said he doesn't know if he was being weird or if it was a vision and he said he saw 5 beds and he thinks we will have 5 kids. I always thought 6 but then I realized we will have 6 kids but only 5 beds here on Earth because Riley won't need a bed here on Earth. I might be crazy too though. I am sorry this post is depressing and so was the last one. I promise I will try harder to look at the brighter things of life and not put sad posts.
Even though today is hard I am glad I have Caitlynn. I couldn't even imagine what today would be like if she wasn't here. I love her and I am grateful for her everyday. I think I better go and play with her while I have the chance since she is growing up so fast. I love Caitlynn Suzanne Peterson and Riley Lynn Peterson they are both my little angels!

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