Friday, November 19, 2010

I am EXTREMELY blessed!

I am sorry I haven't kept up with the whole thankful thing. Things have just been crazy with me going to school and taking care of Caitlynn. I'm not sure if I am going to finish out the rest of the month. But I just wanted to say I am thankful for all the blessing I receive every day. I am thankful that prayers are answered and that our Heavenly Father does listen to us. I am thankful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and everything it offers and teaches me. I am extremely thankful for Daniel and Caitlynn. They are what life is all about. I am thankful I get to spend every day with my wonderful daughter. I am thankful for everyone in my family and the things they do for me and my family. I am also thankful for the few friends I do have. Things sometimes can be hard but I know that I can get through anything with everything I have. I hope I have learn to be thankful all year long and not just in November cause I have many things to be thankful for.

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