Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful Day 11

Today I'm thankful for the men and women who have died for our country to keep us all safe. I'm also thankful for the ones that serve today. I have a few in my own family that have been in wars and are now gone (not cause of the war). For example Pa (great grandpa) he died when I was 5 years old but hes still was one of the greatest men I knew. I have great memories with him and I wouldn't change them for the world. I know he served in a war but I'm not sure which one. Either way I'm glad he did. He is my guardian angel and always will be. I'm extremely thankful for the men and women that are protecting us right now. A lot of people think this war thing is stupid. I don't I know that its what is keeping us safe and free. I have people in my family that are currently serving and though I'm thankful for all of them I'm most thankful for Daryl. I think that's because hes the closest one to my heart. I miss him and his family everyday but I know what he is doing is extremely important. Thank you Daryl. I am also thankful for people that don't get much recognition and that is the spouses and kids of people in the military. That has to be very hard sometimes and its something I could never do. So I'm thankful for them that support our soldiers.
I hope you all are also thankful for the things that we have because its the people in the military that has helped all those things happen.

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