Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Even though Im a grumpy pants most days and I like to complain I also am very thankful for the things in my life. Im one of those people that believe in taking one holiday at a time. It drives me nut there is already Christmas stuff out. What about Thanksgiving? Is no one thankful anymore? Dont get me wrong I love Christmas even though this year Im not very excited for it. But at the same time I need to remember Christmas isnt all about presents its about Christ. Anyways back to what I was saying. Since it is November and its Thanksgiving at the end of the month. Everyday Im going to write something Im thankful for. That way I will see all the great blessings in my life and maybe it will help me not be so grumpy. I know its 3 days into November so today I will do three of them!
1. Daniel. I so thankful for him. He is my everything. I dont know how I would survive without him. He is the best husband and father ever and he works so hard for me and Caitlynn. I love him more and more each day. I dont even have words to describe really how I feel for him. Hes just plain amazing, and its a wonderful blessing that I will be with him for all time and eternity.
2. Caitlynn. Of course Im thankful for her! She is my life. Even though most days she drives me crazy I wouldnt change it for anything. She is the smartest, most beautiful, funny, and happy little girl I have ever met. She does the strangest things but that what I love about her. She is amazing. Im so thankful to be her mom and to watch her grow. I love everything about her. Even her fit throwing which she is doing right now lol.
3. Yesterday in the mail we finally got the paper saying we need to register our car by the end of the month. We have been waiting for this and freaking out about it. To register the car it was $167 plus safety and emissions and to pass those we need new tires so we were freaking out thinking how are we going to pay for all of that! Well when the paper came yesterday its said we didnt have to do safety and emissions this year! Thats great! Yes we still need new tires cause our tread on ours is pretty thin but we dont have to worry and try to get them by the end of the month. We can wait until we can afford them. Which I hope is soon. Im very thankful that for whatever reason we only have to pay the taxes on our car this year. Im pretty sure it was the Lords doing which makes me even more thankful.
Well there is my 3. I will be back tomorrow with more. Remeber count your blessings.

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