Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thankful Day 10.

I got into the Art Institute!Im way excited, but I didnt get enough student loans or grant money so I can only go part time if I dont want to pay any money out of pocket. I can change to a different plan so if things change I can do that. Plus its probably going to be easier taking one class at a time so I can still have my main focus on Caitlynn cause she whats most important.
Today Im very thankful for technology. That might be a silly thing to be thankful for but I am. I love that I can go to school all on the computer and still get to be home with Caitlynn, Im thankful that if I dont want to call and talk to someone I can text them (I dont like talking on the phone lol) Im thankful that even though Daryl and Ali are clear across the world we can still see them from time to time and many other cool things. I think technology is amazing and Im sure its just going to keep changing. Im not sure if I like that though lol. Im scared robots are going to take over the world or something. I would like it if technology stayed the way it was right now. I know thats not going to happen but hey maybe in the future there will be something that will be awesome!! Im not sure if I made any sense there. Oh well till next time. Remember count your blessings! :D