Monday, November 22, 2010

Have To Let It Out Sometimes!

I am EXTREMELY stressed! I don't understand an assignment that is due TODAY, I have to clean this mess that we live in, I have to make pie for tomorrow, take care of Caitlynn and try to stay sain! I feel like most of the time I have to do it all by myself. Don't get me wrong Daniel is great but he works all day (which gives us a little money so that's fine) and when he comes home he does his school work for the rest of the night! Which is fine I know its important but he never helps me around the house he barley helps with Caitlynn. And I know he tries his best but I am just stressed and feel like I'm just digging myself a deeper and deeper hole. Does that make sense? At this point I don't know why I'm going to school. It just adds more stress I doubt I will ever use my skills because it seems like no one wants me to take their pictures. I don't think my pictures are all that good to begin with! UGH! I hate stress! I know this sounds bad but I'm going to the doctor in about a week and I think I'm going to ask her to give me medicine to help me not be so stressed and not freaking out all the time! Is that bad of me? I feel kind of bad even saying that. I don't want to become someone that has to depend on medicine I just don't know what to do anymore. Oh man! Sorry once again I just need to get these things out! So just ignore my whining and raving. I'll try to be better tomorrow!

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