Tuesday, November 25, 2008

wonderful day!

not really lol. So I woke not feeling to good. which always sucks. So at 7 I tried to go back to sleep to see if maybe i would feel better with a little more sleep.Well I got woke up about 9 to Daniel coming in thru the bedroom door. This is the 2nd time it has happened this week. Yesterday cause he went to leave and the check engine light came on and was blinking. Which i guess with cars are bad I have no idea Im not very good with cars. So anyways when he came in this morning I didnt even know what to think so I asked "Did you get fired." Which thank goodness the answer was no! But what did happen was our car died on the freeway on his way to work. Not even 2 blocks from where he just filled the tank. His parents had to go tow the car home. Because the motor is shot in our car :(. It was a 98 Chevey Malibu and we have had it since we have got married (2 years) But it hasnt been doing to good for awhile. So Daniel said its just going to be better if we take it to the junk yard. So now we have to buy a car. Which kind of sucks cause we are already living at my in laws so we can save money and now we have to have a car payment. But its ok we make ok money we should be ok. So we went to the Saturn dealership cause i love saturns. My grandma has had them for around 10 years and i think they are wonderful cars. Well we talked to a really nice guy. And we are hopefully getting a 05 saturn vue is there SUV so more room for stuff and it has about 40,000 miles which they said was good for a car thats 4 years old. Once again im not very good with cars lol. Its what they call Dragonfly for the color its kind of like a blue green its hard to describe but its way pretty! And it 10,991 so not bad well thats what they tell me. All were waiting for is to see what the bank says and come go back later tonight. So I hope everything goes good there. Ill let you all know and Ill take pictures and put them up soon. So this post is so long. Oh by the way Daniel finally went back to work about Noon. Thank goodness hes parents let him barrow their car since he works in Brigham. And i dont even want to think how long he will be there tomorrow to make up hours. Anyways thanks for listening to my huge story

1 comment:

The Knudsen's said...

Good luck with the car stuff! Your in our prayers! =)