Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun Stuff.

So Wednesday we got our new car :D. Im so happy and I love it. Yay and thats about all I did Wednesday. With interest and stuff we pay the bank about 17,ooo which isnt too bad.
Thursday of course was Thanksgiving. We help Colette and Daryl sit up tables and chairs. Then came home and got ready. At 12 we went back to the church to eat. It was the Peterson side this year. It was alot of fun. The only sad part was Grandma Peterson wasnt there. She wasnt feeling to good. I hope she gets better soon. I would really like her to see my baby. Anyways off bad news back to Thanksgiving. So we ate some really good food there. But then we had to leave to go to ky family. I wish we could of stayed longer and played games but my family was waiting. So we went to Grams and to my surprise my Uncle Shane and Aunt Martha was there :) with there 3 kids James, Chandler and Tea. My grandma said they werent coming but I guess they tricked us all lol. I had lot of fun with them. I just wish my brother was there though. It was his dads year so he had to go with them :(. Other then that my Thanksgiving was great. Im so very thankful for all the many blessings the Lord gives me in my life :)
Today I woke up about 430. Yes I went shopping for my first year lol. I went to Staples with my mom to get me a camera. (my Christmas present from Daniel lol) I figured oh no one is going to think of Staples. Man was I wrong! But it wasnt that bad. I mean lots of people but I went in said I want this camera they said its at the cash register and then I waited in line for an hour. That was the worst part. Then we went to the mall. That wasnt to bad either. I got me 2 pairs of shoes, a dress, 2 outfits of Aiden, a cd for Daniel and a Twilight jewerly box for me. I got all that stuff and my camera for about $340. I dont think that to bad. Well were about to go play geocashing clue. Im going to take pictures on my camera so you can see too :)

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