Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update on baby!

i was just letting you all know that doctor said that its an 80% chance its a boy! So thats what we are pretty sure it is :D and i dont have any ultrasound pictures this time cause i only got one and its not of his face lol so i figured i wouldnt put it up and i have to go back in three weeks cause its saying my due date is now may 16th and thats 6 days later then last time so she wants to measure him again and make sure hes growing like he should be so yeah thats about it! thanks for reading this and your concern :D


The Knudsen's said...

How exciting! Congrats!

Afton Peterson said...

thanks and sorry i never replied to any of your other comments i wasnt sure how until i asked ka lol but no i havent heard the heart beat the doctor said i cant on the machine cause it uses to much heat or something so she wont do it but im pretty sure i will sooner or later