Monday, September 3, 2012

Time Time Whose Got the TIme!

I am not sure if anyone really follows this but I just wanted to write to say that I promise one day I will keep up to date (or try to at least). I am just not sure where time is going. It seems like I am always doing a million things at once. Being a mom of 2, trying to keep up with the mess, school and taking/editing pictures I really have no time. I haven't even been playing games I have really been wanting to play! I have a new Kingdom Hearts game I haven't even started yet and a book series that I really want to read and I haven't even done that! I guess that just means I am starting to get priorities in order. So if one day things slow down I promise to start posting for the few people who follow me.
I really do not know where time has gone though, Kairi is almost 6 months old and Caitlynn is almost 3. I wish they would slow down but I do enjoy watching them grow and progress. Times are crazy but them and Daniel keep me sane and I am so thankful to have the 3 of them! Life is grand even if it is busy, crazy and sometimes irritating I still love the life I live.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Don't worry about blogging a lot! You will have more time for that once your kids are in school eventually ;)