Saturday, September 15, 2012

On to Phase 2!

If I ask Caitlynn if she loves mama she always says, "yeah and dada." Then I reply "oh you love dada too" she says, "yeah and baby." Well today I asked who else she loved and expected her to say grandma or someone. What was her reply? "I love my kitty cat." (talking about Dexter)

Caitlynn wanted a hat. So I told her if she wanted one she had to find one. Next thing I know she had one of my bras on her head.

Every time Caitlynn watches The Backyardigans she tells Pablo goodbye (I guess the others do not matter) Well today as she was going that she turned to me and said, "Mama Pablo has to go eat a snackkkkk." She has a problem with ks. She cracks me up.

Kairi was actually good today. I was surprised since she has never behaved well after shots. She was her normal happy self and I love it!

Caitlynn on the other hand was not that great today, especially  towards bedtime. Colette brought her home lots of bead necklaces from a Scouts thing well Kairi had one of the necklaces and Caitlynn did not like that. I told her she could share one of them or I would take all of them away. Well she didnt want to share so it seriously took me like two minutes to wrestle the bead necklaces from her (the whole time while she was screaming). Then it took me and Daniel to brush her hair because she was fighting so bad. Then she grabbed on to the door on the way into her room and Daniel was pulling at her feet trying to get her to let go. I seriously just laughed because I didn't know that happened in real life. Goodness gracious! Like our friend Skylar put it, "Terrible twos are just phase 1." I am not ready for phase 2! Please pray for my sanity and patience in the next year!

Not much has happened today. I have to go talk to a member of the Bishopric tomorrow. Why? I am not sure. I guess I will find out tomorrow!

Wow today was pretty uneventful but I think the last part made up for that. Now to go finish my last assignment in Art History and then I get a 4 day break from school! Oh yeah I am excited!!

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