Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shut Up!

Kairi woke up this morning laughing. She's always so happy.

This morning while we were listening to music on my phone, an advertisement came on and the whole time it was on Caitlynn was yelling shut up. I really shouldn't find it funny but I do.

Kairi slept in her crib for the first time. Caitlynn is excited her sister is going to sleep in her room. I guess its there room now.

Caitlynn took her playing camera stood in front of Kairi and said " say cheese baby" I thought it was super cute.

Kairi decided she didn't want to go to bed and so we just laid her in her crib because sometimes she will just pass out that way. Well tonight she decided to make tons of noise. So I worried with this being her first night in there it would keep Caitlynn up. Daniel went in and got Kairi and what was Caitlynn doing? She had her head covered up. Man she learns fast. 

Thats about all I can remember that happened today! Out lives are not all that exciting!

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