Friday, September 14, 2012

Love My Girls!

 This morning when I got Caitlynn out of her room she got in trouble because she has a special book off the book case and it was torn (I am not sure she did that though). Well I got a little angrier then I should I do this sometimes. So I was telling her I was sorry and that she needs to not play with things that are not hers and for some reason I said, "Do you still love the mama?" Okay I know why I said that I feel like she is going to hate me because I am so mean or I am going to ruin her or something. Well after I said that she jumped into my arms for a hug, and gave me a giant kiss! It melted my heart! She is a sweety!

Caitlynn it's starting to actually color. She has always colored but now she's starting to not just scribble.  Shes trying to stay in the lines though she hasnt mastered it yet. It makes me happy and sad all at the same time because it shows how much shes really is growing up.

While I was playing a Mario game because I couldn't do much else because Kairi has been kind of grumpy and just wants to be held. Caitlynn was watching me and every time I did something good or Mario would make noise she would clap.

Caitlynn is an awesome helper. If I ask her to go get something most of the time she will go get it for me. Today is played with Kairi while I got ready. She is a trouble maker sometimes but she is a pretty good kid.

Kairi went and got shots today. Yeah I wasn't happy about that. Why? Well Kairi does not handle them very well and its grumpy for days after. Well she was already grumpy so how is she going to be now? I have no idea but I am kind of scared.

Kairi is now: 19.6 lbs (21%)
                    26 1/2 inches (75%)
She is growing so much! She defiantly going to be bigger then her shorty of a sister and most likely me as well when she gets older.

Kairi hates shots and screams and screams. When Caitlynn got them at this age she would scream with the first poke and then was fine, but we do say that Kairi is the softy. Well today we had to take Caitlynn with us to the doctors because we didn't have a sitter and the appointment was at 3 and Daniel gets off at 2:30 so we had to hustle. Well not only did Kairi scream so did Caitlynn because her baby sister was crying. I love that Caitlynn is so protective of her. I hope it stays that way.

Why do kids fight naps? I cannot figure that out. I would love to take a nap! Well Caitlynn hasn't taken a nap  during the day for awhile but she was crying a lot and being whiny plus rubbing her eyes so we decided she needed one today. Yeah biggest fit ever! How big? She bit her dad and almost drew blood. She never does that! If someone says 2 year olds are hard obviously has not had a 3 year old!

Caitlynn woke up from her nap crying so I opened her door and she sat in there for about 5 minutes till I asked if she was going to come out. Then she came out cuddled next to me and then fell asleep again. She is so cute! No matter how much she is a brat sometimes I love her. I especially love when she is sleeping because she is so peaceful and cute. I just want to hug her and hold her when she is asleep. I still have a hard time thinking I am a mom,even though I have been for 3 years almost. I love it though!

I am not sure what else they did because I went to a baseball game with Kristina because it was the last one and I really wanted to go to a game. FYI I have an amazing husband to let me go! Anyways Daniel did tell me Caitlynn at dinner kept trying to dip her bread stick in icing. She is so silly! I wonder the crazy things they will do tomorrow. 

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