Thursday, September 13, 2012

Light Bulb!

I have really wanted to write more on this blog but truth to be told I have been having a hard time knowing what to write about because our lives are not that exciting. It would be like "So we sat at home again, I did school work played with the girls and then tried to clean." Seriously that is how my average day goes lol. But then it hit me this morning when I wanted to update my Facebook status a million times because my girls are so cute, funny and just wonderful, I realized I need to share these things with people some how so they could share my joy, laughter and my OMG moments. Thats when I decided I could write it on my blog! I could use my fancy smart phone and write down when they do something I think is great/bad enough to share and then at the end of the day I could come write it down on here! What do you guys think? I think its going to be great and then maybe at the end of each year I can make a book or something that way we will always remember what they did when they were little because they are growing so fast! I mean Kairi is 6 month old and Caitlynn is almost 3. I don't think that I will change the name of my blog or anything but its going to be mostly about Caitlynn and Kairi and maybe me and Daniel if we do something exciting (which doesn't happen often). I can't wait to share the things my daughters do with all of you because they are pretty amazing even if they drive me crazy. :D


Chelsea said...

That's a great idea! My mom has made a book a year from her blog posts. They are so much fun to go through!

Kaleena said...

You can get a blogger app on your phone if you have an android and it is free