Thursday, December 18, 2008


Today doesnt seem to be a very good day. Im way to stressed out thats why im writing about it! Me and Daniel think that I should get a job but I really dont want too. But hey we are broke and I really want a place of my own. I mean I love the place I live I love the people here. I just think we need to grow up a little. I mean Daniel is going to be 24 this next year he shouldnt have to be living at mommy and daddys still.
Well he said if we both do plasma I dont have to get a job but im super scared. I hate needles and everyone told me they are huge! Plus Livis arm has been so messed up by them and I bruise so easily so Im sure Im going to have huge bruises and then you have to wait to donate again till the brusies go away.
I dont know today just isnt my day I guess. I guess I should stop whining and go do something else.
Thanks for listening.

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