Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Village

Last night Me, Livi, Micheal and Daniel went to Christmas Village. It was so much fun. Here are all the great pictures!

Going for a carriage ride
Big moose! Like how I fit perfectly! lol
Can you see livis face?
Singing my heart out lol
Livi likes singing too!

Shes helping the penguin with his packages

hmm wonder whats down there

shes so cute!

Livi and Micheal
Me and Daniel
I love penguins
this reminds me of my Grandmas house at Christmas time
I named him Snowball! hes cute!
Look Jack :D
And zero!
im so freakin short!
couldnt get in this box sad i know lol

I love sock monkeys
bestest friends
My name was on the naughty list lol

she likes sitting in the holes
the giant bear ate livi oh no!
Micheal is strong!
Me and a cute gingerbread lady!
I bet you enjoyed all those pictures lol! I love Christmas time!

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