Monday, December 29, 2008

Lots going on

sorry I havent wrote in a while lots has been going on in my life this week.
Lets start with Christmas eve. So like every year we went to the zoo it was lots of fun. Except I was angry I couldnt see penguins cause for some reason it was closed I think they were cleaning it or something. But its ok I'll get over it lol. Other then that it was tons of fun. Daniel and my friend Turbo (Jake) went too. We havent seen him in awhile cause all he seems to be doing is working and plus he lives in Salt Lake. I like hanging out with him cause hes Daniel only friend so its nice to see Daniel have fun that way. The only thing is he likes to poke me alot and tickle me but thats ok. And this time he tried to feed me to the turkeys. Hes silly like that. But thats about it on Christmas eve
Christmas day we woke up and us and the parents opened presents. It seems like every year Colette and Daryl has a competition to see who can get the coolest present and I think Colette won this year. She made Daryl cry it was way cute! Then everyone came over and ate "breakfast" Then me and daniel went to my great grandmas that was fun. After that we were crazy and drove in the snow to Livi and Muks. So that day was alot of fun. Me and Daniel definitely gave more then we received this year but thats ok I prefer it that way.
Well on Christmas day we came home and I said "man I itch really bad" and sure enough when I took of my shirt I had red dots all over me. And guess what it was?? Yep I have chicken pox. How? We have no idea but I have never had them before and we read that you can get them 3 weeks before you break out with them and guess where I was? The hospital lol. So we think that might be it. Anyways they are almost gone I dont itch as much. I think im pretty much over them.
Anyways thats how life has been lately. Thanks to whoever read all this lol.

1 comment:

The Knudsen's said...

It sounds like you had a good Christmas. Although I am sorry to hear about the chicken pox. ICK! Get better soon.