Thursday, December 11, 2008

I got tagged.

Ka tagged me to do this thing. So here it is.

I am: Afton thats the easiest way to explain me. sometimes goofy sometimes smart other times not so smart lol. Im controlling and nosy and a very jealous person. But at the same time I can be very understanding and a great listener. I'll put everyone else before myself. I try to not talk about people but it still comes out. Im confusing and very hard to understand thats why Im just Afton.

I think: about everyone elses needs before mine. That Daniel is the most amazing and perfect man on this Earth. I think about things that have happened to me in my life and try to figure out why.

I know: that things do happen for a reason, and that the Lord knows what he is doing. Its just hard to figure out why sometimes. I know that I will always love Daniel no matter what happens in this crazy life and that he is always going to be there for me. I also know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true!

I want: Daniel to get a raise so we can have a little bit more money and so we can save more and get our own house. I mean I love my in laws I just want a place of my own.

I have: lots of wonderful people in my life that I care and love. And they care and love me back. And I have the best 2 kitties in the world.

I dislike: fighting with people. When people hate me for no reason and when people dont forgive you when you made a mistake and you've said sorry about it.

I miss: Daniel when he is at work. My mom, grandma, great grandma and my brother I dont see them enough. I also miss being pregnant :(

I hear: Colette talking in the other room and music playing from the computer.

I smell: pickle dip cause I just ate some lol

I crave: subway or a hot dog from maverick yum!

I cry: Alot Im a very emotional person.

I search: to learn more about the Scriptures

I wonder: why certain things have to happen

I regret: nothing

I wish: that somethings didnt have to happen and that my grandma was happier and didnt have to work as much

I love: Daniel, all my family members, and some of my friends, my cats and the Lord

I care: about my family and friends

I always: order soda when I go out to eat even if its breakfast time. I try not to but its so good when you are eating out lol

I worry: about my grandma all the time and my mom and grams.

I am not: a normal person

I remember: not alot of things my memory isnt that good lol

I believe: in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and everything they stand for.

I sing: whenever I can I love to sing!

I dont: do anything! I dont work I dont go to school. I just sit at home.

I argue: with Daryl alot

I write: when Im feeling down or really happy or bored

I win: the love of someone amazing for the rest of my life lol

I lose: when me and Daniel are talking about logical things. Hes alot smarter

I listen: to every type of music. I love music!

I dont understand: the things the Lord does sometimes but I have trust in Him that its for the best

I can be found at: my house or Livis

I need: nothing I have everything I need at this moment

I forget: alot of things

I am happy: when Im with Daniel and spending time with him.

I tag: no one lol everyone I would tag wouldnt do this anyways lol

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