to who ever left that comment on my thought blog saying that i leech off people and i need to grow up and whatever. It really didnt bother me if thats your opinion you can think whatever you want but I would really like to know why you couldnt say who it was instead of anonymous thats the part that made me mad that you were to scared to tell me who you were but thanks for your opinion. And everyone else if you try to look at the comment it wont be there.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Lots going on
sorry I havent wrote in a while lots has been going on in my life this week.
Lets start with Christmas eve. So like every year we went to the zoo it was lots of fun. Except I was angry I couldnt see penguins cause for some reason it was closed I think they were cleaning it or something. But its ok I'll get over it lol. Other then that it was tons of fun. Daniel and my friend Turbo (Jake) went too. We havent seen him in awhile cause all he seems to be doing is working and plus he lives in Salt Lake. I like hanging out with him cause hes Daniel only friend so its nice to see Daniel have fun that way. The only thing is he likes to poke me alot and tickle me but thats ok. And this time he tried to feed me to the turkeys. Hes silly like that. But thats about it on Christmas eve
Christmas day we woke up and us and the parents opened presents. It seems like every year Colette and Daryl has a competition to see who can get the coolest present and I think Colette won this year. She made Daryl cry it was way cute! Then everyone came over and ate "breakfast" Then me and daniel went to my great grandmas that was fun. After that we were crazy and drove in the snow to Livi and Muks. So that day was alot of fun. Me and Daniel definitely gave more then we received this year but thats ok I prefer it that way.
Well on Christmas day we came home and I said "man I itch really bad" and sure enough when I took of my shirt I had red dots all over me. And guess what it was?? Yep I have chicken pox. How? We have no idea but I have never had them before and we read that you can get them 3 weeks before you break out with them and guess where I was? The hospital lol. So we think that might be it. Anyways they are almost gone I dont itch as much. I think im pretty much over them.
Anyways thats how life has been lately. Thanks to whoever read all this lol.
Lets start with Christmas eve. So like every year we went to the zoo it was lots of fun. Except I was angry I couldnt see penguins cause for some reason it was closed I think they were cleaning it or something. But its ok I'll get over it lol. Other then that it was tons of fun. Daniel and my friend Turbo (Jake) went too. We havent seen him in awhile cause all he seems to be doing is working and plus he lives in Salt Lake. I like hanging out with him cause hes Daniel only friend so its nice to see Daniel have fun that way. The only thing is he likes to poke me alot and tickle me but thats ok. And this time he tried to feed me to the turkeys. Hes silly like that. But thats about it on Christmas eve
Christmas day we woke up and us and the parents opened presents. It seems like every year Colette and Daryl has a competition to see who can get the coolest present and I think Colette won this year. She made Daryl cry it was way cute! Then everyone came over and ate "breakfast" Then me and daniel went to my great grandmas that was fun. After that we were crazy and drove in the snow to Livi and Muks. So that day was alot of fun. Me and Daniel definitely gave more then we received this year but thats ok I prefer it that way.
Well on Christmas day we came home and I said "man I itch really bad" and sure enough when I took of my shirt I had red dots all over me. And guess what it was?? Yep I have chicken pox. How? We have no idea but I have never had them before and we read that you can get them 3 weeks before you break out with them and guess where I was? The hospital lol. So we think that might be it. Anyways they are almost gone I dont itch as much. I think im pretty much over them.
Anyways thats how life has been lately. Thanks to whoever read all this lol.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Gingerbread Houses
At the Smith party me and daniel made gingerbread houses and here they are!
This one is mine! Its not the greatest I suck at these things
And here is Daniels. His is an observatory!! Hes such a dork. Next year he said hes going to make a wind mill lol
Christmas Parties!
So Saturday we had to go to 2 Christmas parties. The First one was the Smith party! We ate taco salads and got gifts from everyone. And made gingerbread house. Abby did a wonderful piano number for the program we had lol. We thought she was going to sing Little Mermaid but she decided to play the piano instead and we had no idea. And for all you who dont know Abby is 4 years old so it was hilarious. Thats about it lol. It was good to see all those people again. Then we went to the Peterson Christmas party. We ate soup and had a Christmas program. It was so good. Eldons kids are so wonderfully talented. I was suppose to sing at this one but I got to scared so I didnt. Both of the parties were wonderful. I was just way tired and I wasnt feeling to good. The only sad thing was Olivia didnt stay at the Peterson party that long. And Grandma Peterson had to go home early cause she was sick. But other then that everything was good. I love the family that I have now!
Old Gang Party!
Friday night we decided to have an old gang party. And hang out with the people we use to hang out with all the time. To tell you the truth it was alot more fun then I was expecting. Not alot of people showed up but the ones that did are the best anyways so it didnt matter.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Today doesnt seem to be a very good day. Im way to stressed out thats why im writing about it! Me and Daniel think that I should get a job but I really dont want too. But hey we are broke and I really want a place of my own. I mean I love the place I live I love the people here. I just think we need to grow up a little. I mean Daniel is going to be 24 this next year he shouldnt have to be living at mommy and daddys still.
Well he said if we both do plasma I dont have to get a job but im super scared. I hate needles and everyone told me they are huge! Plus Livis arm has been so messed up by them and I bruise so easily so Im sure Im going to have huge bruises and then you have to wait to donate again till the brusies go away.
I dont know today just isnt my day I guess. I guess I should stop whining and go do something else.
Thanks for listening.
Well he said if we both do plasma I dont have to get a job but im super scared. I hate needles and everyone told me they are huge! Plus Livis arm has been so messed up by them and I bruise so easily so Im sure Im going to have huge bruises and then you have to wait to donate again till the brusies go away.
I dont know today just isnt my day I guess. I guess I should stop whining and go do something else.
Thanks for listening.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My new thing!
So guess what??? I joined Scentsy!!!! yay im so excited!!! If you dont know what Scentsy is and would like to know ask and I can tell you lol. Plus Im having a launch party on Saturday Jan 3rd at 5 if you would like to come and support me! Just let me know and I can tell you where its at :D
Christmas Village
Last night Me, Livi, Micheal and Daniel went to Christmas Village. It was so much fun. Here are all the great pictures!
Going for a carriage ride
Big moose! Like how I fit perfectly! lol
Can you see livis face?
Singing my heart out lol
Livi likes singing too!
Shes helping the penguin with his packages
hmm wonder whats down there
shes so cute!
Livi and Micheal
Me and Daniel
I love penguins
this reminds me of my Grandmas house at Christmas time
I named him Snowball! hes cute!
Look Jack :D
And zero!
im so freakin short!
couldnt get in this box sad i know lol
I love sock monkeys
bestest friends
My name was on the naughty list lol
she likes sitting in the holes
the giant bear ate livi oh no!
Micheal is strong!
Me and a cute gingerbread lady!
I bet you enjoyed all those pictures lol! I love Christmas time!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sad day for Afton.....
So I was so excited to go to Wicked the Musical in April I have seen it before and I love the show! Daniel was just as excited as I was and tickets went on sale today. So I got on the computer at 10:30 and I couldnt get on the side. Well when I just checked again. They are all sold out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its from April 8- May 2 and sometime they do it twice in on day and they all sold out in a day! its crazy!!!!!! Im really sad. I know that silly but its a GREAT show!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I got tagged.
Ka tagged me to do this thing. So here it is.
I am: Afton thats the easiest way to explain me. sometimes goofy sometimes smart other times not so smart lol. Im controlling and nosy and a very jealous person. But at the same time I can be very understanding and a great listener. I'll put everyone else before myself. I try to not talk about people but it still comes out. Im confusing and very hard to understand thats why Im just Afton.
I think: about everyone elses needs before mine. That Daniel is the most amazing and perfect man on this Earth. I think about things that have happened to me in my life and try to figure out why.
I know: that things do happen for a reason, and that the Lord knows what he is doing. Its just hard to figure out why sometimes. I know that I will always love Daniel no matter what happens in this crazy life and that he is always going to be there for me. I also know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true!
I want: Daniel to get a raise so we can have a little bit more money and so we can save more and get our own house. I mean I love my in laws I just want a place of my own.
I have: lots of wonderful people in my life that I care and love. And they care and love me back. And I have the best 2 kitties in the world.
I dislike: fighting with people. When people hate me for no reason and when people dont forgive you when you made a mistake and you've said sorry about it.
I miss: Daniel when he is at work. My mom, grandma, great grandma and my brother I dont see them enough. I also miss being pregnant :(
I hear: Colette talking in the other room and music playing from the computer.
I smell: pickle dip cause I just ate some lol
I crave: subway or a hot dog from maverick yum!
I cry: Alot Im a very emotional person.
I search: to learn more about the Scriptures
I wonder: why certain things have to happen
I regret: nothing
I wish: that somethings didnt have to happen and that my grandma was happier and didnt have to work as much
I love: Daniel, all my family members, and some of my friends, my cats and the Lord
I care: about my family and friends
I always: order soda when I go out to eat even if its breakfast time. I try not to but its so good when you are eating out lol
I worry: about my grandma all the time and my mom and grams.
I am not: a normal person
I remember: not alot of things my memory isnt that good lol
I believe: in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and everything they stand for.
I sing: whenever I can I love to sing!
I dont: do anything! I dont work I dont go to school. I just sit at home.
I argue: with Daryl alot
I write: when Im feeling down or really happy or bored
I win: the love of someone amazing for the rest of my life lol
I lose: when me and Daniel are talking about logical things. Hes alot smarter
I listen: to every type of music. I love music!
I dont understand: the things the Lord does sometimes but I have trust in Him that its for the best
I can be found at: my house or Livis
I need: nothing I have everything I need at this moment
I forget: alot of things
I am happy: when Im with Daniel and spending time with him.
I tag: no one lol everyone I would tag wouldnt do this anyways lol
I am: Afton thats the easiest way to explain me. sometimes goofy sometimes smart other times not so smart lol. Im controlling and nosy and a very jealous person. But at the same time I can be very understanding and a great listener. I'll put everyone else before myself. I try to not talk about people but it still comes out. Im confusing and very hard to understand thats why Im just Afton.
I think: about everyone elses needs before mine. That Daniel is the most amazing and perfect man on this Earth. I think about things that have happened to me in my life and try to figure out why.
I know: that things do happen for a reason, and that the Lord knows what he is doing. Its just hard to figure out why sometimes. I know that I will always love Daniel no matter what happens in this crazy life and that he is always going to be there for me. I also know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true!
I want: Daniel to get a raise so we can have a little bit more money and so we can save more and get our own house. I mean I love my in laws I just want a place of my own.
I have: lots of wonderful people in my life that I care and love. And they care and love me back. And I have the best 2 kitties in the world.
I dislike: fighting with people. When people hate me for no reason and when people dont forgive you when you made a mistake and you've said sorry about it.
I miss: Daniel when he is at work. My mom, grandma, great grandma and my brother I dont see them enough. I also miss being pregnant :(
I hear: Colette talking in the other room and music playing from the computer.
I smell: pickle dip cause I just ate some lol
I crave: subway or a hot dog from maverick yum!
I cry: Alot Im a very emotional person.
I search: to learn more about the Scriptures
I wonder: why certain things have to happen
I regret: nothing
I wish: that somethings didnt have to happen and that my grandma was happier and didnt have to work as much
I love: Daniel, all my family members, and some of my friends, my cats and the Lord
I care: about my family and friends
I always: order soda when I go out to eat even if its breakfast time. I try not to but its so good when you are eating out lol
I worry: about my grandma all the time and my mom and grams.
I am not: a normal person
I remember: not alot of things my memory isnt that good lol
I believe: in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and everything they stand for.
I sing: whenever I can I love to sing!
I dont: do anything! I dont work I dont go to school. I just sit at home.
I argue: with Daryl alot
I write: when Im feeling down or really happy or bored
I win: the love of someone amazing for the rest of my life lol
I lose: when me and Daniel are talking about logical things. Hes alot smarter
I listen: to every type of music. I love music!
I dont understand: the things the Lord does sometimes but I have trust in Him that its for the best
I can be found at: my house or Livis
I need: nothing I have everything I need at this moment
I forget: alot of things
I am happy: when Im with Daniel and spending time with him.
I tag: no one lol everyone I would tag wouldnt do this anyways lol
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Doctor Said....
he thinks im fine. and that after i cycle once we can try again. yay :) im doing ok. i finally stopped bleeding (for now) just have a bad sinus infection but i got some medicine so ill start getting better. well thats pretty much all thats going on.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Card
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
new hair
Monday, December 1, 2008
A poem Daniel wrote for Riley
My son, my first, my beautiful baby boy
The thought of you in my life brought me great joy.
The dreams of raising, playing and lovingyou I have had.
The indescribable excitment of being your dad.
And now upon the news you won't live.
Tears flow from my face and drip like a sieve.
Though I never met you. Comfort I still find,
For you live on in my heart soul and mind.
Now I look to the day when we shall meet.
To see you in perfection from your head to your feet.
I will love you forever that is my oath.
While I am on this earth, my heart beats for us both.
-Daniel Peterson
The thought of you in my life brought me great joy.
The dreams of raising, playing and lovingyou I have had.
The indescribable excitment of being your dad.
And now upon the news you won't live.
Tears flow from my face and drip like a sieve.
Though I never met you. Comfort I still find,
For you live on in my heart soul and mind.
Now I look to the day when we shall meet.
To see you in perfection from your head to your feet.
I will love you forever that is my oath.
While I am on this earth, my heart beats for us both.
-Daniel Peterson
Doctors appointment!
Just letting you all know what happened at my doctors appointment. I still have placenta in there. About the size of a silver dollar. He thinks it will be best if I pass it by myself. So I have to go back next Monday and if its still there hes going to knock me out and get it out. So its not going to be painful like last time cause hes going to put me to sleep yay lol. I hope it just comes out on its own though.
We developed the pictures of the Riley. He was so tiny. Yes he looks like an alien and its not a pretty sight. But I still think he was so beautiful. I have a ring that I wear around my neck that came in my little memory picture and I found out in the picture that he wore the ring. Well his hands fit in it. And the blanket they gave me he layed on and the teddy bear they gave me he layed by. So those things are even more special to me now.
Anyways me and Daniel are doing good. Im better then he is. He went to work but hes going to see if he can get a few days off. I think my mom is doing the worst but things will get better.
We developed the pictures of the Riley. He was so tiny. Yes he looks like an alien and its not a pretty sight. But I still think he was so beautiful. I have a ring that I wear around my neck that came in my little memory picture and I found out in the picture that he wore the ring. Well his hands fit in it. And the blanket they gave me he layed on and the teddy bear they gave me he layed by. So those things are even more special to me now.
Anyways me and Daniel are doing good. Im better then he is. He went to work but hes going to see if he can get a few days off. I think my mom is doing the worst but things will get better.
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