Sunday, November 30, 2008
A hard time.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Fun Stuff.
Thursday of course was Thanksgiving. We help Colette and Daryl sit up tables and chairs. Then came home and got ready. At 12 we went back to the church to eat. It was the Peterson side this year. It was alot of fun. The only sad part was Grandma Peterson wasnt there. She wasnt feeling to good. I hope she gets better soon. I would really like her to see my baby. Anyways off bad news back to Thanksgiving. So we ate some really good food there. But then we had to leave to go to ky family. I wish we could of stayed longer and played games but my family was waiting. So we went to Grams and to my surprise my Uncle Shane and Aunt Martha was there :) with there 3 kids James, Chandler and Tea. My grandma said they werent coming but I guess they tricked us all lol. I had lot of fun with them. I just wish my brother was there though. It was his dads year so he had to go with them :(. Other then that my Thanksgiving was great. Im so very thankful for all the many blessings the Lord gives me in my life :)
Today I woke up about 430. Yes I went shopping for my first year lol. I went to Staples with my mom to get me a camera. (my Christmas present from Daniel lol) I figured oh no one is going to think of Staples. Man was I wrong! But it wasnt that bad. I mean lots of people but I went in said I want this camera they said its at the cash register and then I waited in line for an hour. That was the worst part. Then we went to the mall. That wasnt to bad either. I got me 2 pairs of shoes, a dress, 2 outfits of Aiden, a cd for Daniel and a Twilight jewerly box for me. I got all that stuff and my camera for about $340. I dont think that to bad. Well were about to go play geocashing clue. Im going to take pictures on my camera so you can see too :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
car update

Laugh of the day!

wonderful day!
Monday, November 24, 2008
not much going on.
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
I went and turned in the keys to the apartment. Finally we are out of there. I hated that place. I turned in the door knob with it cause it was broken and they never fixed it. It was like that for like 2 months. I thought that was pretty funny.
So tonights the big night. I finally get to see Twilight. I'm so happy!!! AHH! I just know its going to be great! Its going to be so much fun!
Well I better go and turn the power off in the apartment and do some cleaning. So talk to you all later.
Superior Scibbler Award

Now im suppose to tag 5 people and ill try my best cause i dont know if i know 5 and i dont know if they will do it also. But hey i can try right lol.
Olivia is just wonderful. She has been my best friend now for 4-5 years. We have tons of great memories together. Sure we get on each ours nerves alot we still love each other like sisters. She helps me through almost all my problems. I can tell her anything and no that she wont tell anyone.
Ali is great. Shes always there when you need her. And she is a great mom. I love hanging out with her and we have such wonderful times.
Brit is amazing. We dont talk as much for some reason. But we always have great times together. She just makes me laugh at the things she says sometimes. I mean shes not blonde but she acts like it sometimes and its great.
Tia is wonderful. I have never met her before but shes always leaving comments on my blog and I really appreciate it. From what Ive heard from Ka is an amazing person with a great spirit and I cant wait till i met her one day.
Jenn is fabulous. She is a great sister in law. And its so much fun to be around her. She is always asking me how I am and when she does it always makes me smile. She is just great and I love that Im in her family.
Of course, as with every Bloggy Award, there are A Few Rules. They are, forthwith:Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends.
Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.
Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Im not sure how....
Monday, November 17, 2008
Nothing new!
Oh i forgot me and Livi my best friend went shopping on Saturday. It was fun except that we shopped for 3 hours and i was dying so we went to Wal Mart after wards and i rode on an electric cart cause my feet hurt. It was great.
And oh and Saturday we got all of our stuff out of the apartment except a load that has to come here and we have to vacuum and clean carpets. Well i better go cause this is a WAY long blog for no reason and i have to go clean the basement so i will talk to you all later bye!