Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2 months old!

Yes my baby is 2 months old! I am not sure where the time has gone too! She is one of the best babies ever! She never really cries unless she is hungry. She does get a little fussy when she is tired but don't we all. I am blessed to have such good kids. Even when Caitlynn drives me nuts she is still a pretty good kid. Kairi is learning and doing new things every day. She is also getting so big. Here are things about Kairi so far: 
  •  She weights 10 lbs and is almost 21 inches long! Getting so big! Way faster then her sister did
  • She can hold her head all by herself.
  • Smiles all the time. She love it when you talk to her and will just smile and smile. SO cute! 
  • Loves staring at everything. Really curious about what is going on around her.
  • Loves tummy time. Which is something different because Caitlynn hated it.
  • Starting to making cooing noises. Love it! 
  • Starting to grab at everything! 
  • When on her belly she scoots. And would probably be able to crawl if she could lift up the top part of her body because shes got the legs down all ready.
  • Growing way to fast!
I love this little girl so much! She is such a great blessing and a perfect addition to this family. I love her, her dad loves her and her sister loves her. Her sister loves her more then me and Daniel most days. It is so cute to see the beautiful bond they have. I can't wait to see what the future has in store.

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