Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wishing On A Star

I would so love to win this giveaway. There is so many great prizes including an all expense pay to a 2 day workshop. I think the workshop is in Utah so it won't be to much of a trip but would be a lot of fun anyways and I would learn SO much. I mean I am learning stuff in school but I would love to learn even more. I eat this stuff up lol Here is the link to this awesome giveaway in case you want to enter also. Look how nice I am making it even harder for me to win because I am letting you enter too ;)

2 months old!

Yes my baby is 2 months old! I am not sure where the time has gone too! She is one of the best babies ever! She never really cries unless she is hungry. She does get a little fussy when she is tired but don't we all. I am blessed to have such good kids. Even when Caitlynn drives me nuts she is still a pretty good kid. Kairi is learning and doing new things every day. She is also getting so big. Here are things about Kairi so far: 
  •  She weights 10 lbs and is almost 21 inches long! Getting so big! Way faster then her sister did
  • She can hold her head all by herself.
  • Smiles all the time. She love it when you talk to her and will just smile and smile. SO cute! 
  • Loves staring at everything. Really curious about what is going on around her.
  • Loves tummy time. Which is something different because Caitlynn hated it.
  • Starting to making cooing noises. Love it! 
  • Starting to grab at everything! 
  • When on her belly she scoots. And would probably be able to crawl if she could lift up the top part of her body because shes got the legs down all ready.
  • Growing way to fast!
I love this little girl so much! She is such a great blessing and a perfect addition to this family. I love her, her dad loves her and her sister loves her. Her sister loves her more then me and Daniel most days. It is so cute to see the beautiful bond they have. I can't wait to see what the future has in store.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Waving The White Flag.

I give up! On what you may ask? The blog every day challenge. I tried I did but I didn't realize how busy my life really is. Taking care of two kids, going to school, cleaning, yeah I am not sure where I even get time to myself lol. I really thought I could do it! But I guess I can't! Oh well thats ok. Maybe another time! I would try to catch up but I am 9 days behind! Yeah to much! I guess that is just how things go sometimes :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 5: 10 Songs You Love Right Now.

Ok this one is a little hard for me. I love music and always all kinds of music. I also am not very good with song titles or band names so I am not quite sure what some of the songs I do like right now. I guess I will just have to look them up and kind of go with it.
1. Penguin- Christina Perri. (This will always be my favorite song. It describes me perfectly and how I feel for Daniel. Plus the obsession with penguins probably adds to that lol)
2. Somebody That I Use To Know- Gotye
3. Glad You Came- The Wanted (I hate I love this song because it makes me feel like I am 12 again because they are a boy band)
4. Anything by Paramore. I cannot get enough of that band and is the only time I do not skip a song when my playlist is on shuffle.
5. Burn It Down- Linkin Park
6. In My Daughters Eyes- Martina McBride (This song always makes me cry)
That's about as far as I can think of. I really do just love music. I can listen to it all the time. It is what makes me feel better when I have a bad day. Music is an important part of my life.

Day 4: What You Are Afraid Of.

I am afraid of a lot of things. I think that I let my imagination get the best of me and I overreact a lot of the time. Somethings that I am scared of is heights, I am a grown woman and I am scared of the dark, and clowns. I am some what scared of bugs but can sometimes handle them. The biggest one out of those things though is clowns. I have always been scared of them and to this day I still kind of have a panic attack when I see one. I know thats silly. I think the biggest thing I am scared of though is the unknown. I hate not knowing what is going to happen. The future scares me and I wish I could see that it will all be ok, because like I said I have a very over active imagination. I just have to remember to have faith in the Lord that everything will work out the way it is suppose too. But at the same time it scares me so much.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 3: My favorite Quote

Ok I have a lot of favorite quotes. I just love them! I have favorites from different movies, music and books. So I think I will just mention a few of them.
I think my all time favorite isn't really a quote but more of a saying. It is mine and my husbands saying, which is, Forever and Ever and Even After That. Just meaning we will love each other forever and even longer.
Another quote I really like is from my favorite Apostle Deiter F Uchtdorf. It was from a talk at the General Relief Society Conference in October 2011. I was actually there and was really blessed I heard this talk in person. It just touched me so much and made a huge impact on me. Here is a link the whole talk if you are curious about it http://www.lds.org/broadcasts/article/general-relief-society-meeting/2011/09/forget-me-not?lang=eng. No matter how many times I hear this talk I still cry and still feel touched by the whole thing. Here is my favorite quote from that talk.
This really touches me and helps me every time I am feeling down. It reminds me that I do have a very loving Heavenly Father and he knows me and loves me and is always there for me.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 2: 20 Facts About Me.

1. I am 22 years old
2. I am married to the most wonderful man alive! I have been for 5 1/2 years with many more to come.
 3. If you decide to do the math you probably figured out I got married at 16. No I was not pregnant. It was just something I wanted to do and I still think it was the greatest decision of my life.
4. I did graduate high school!
5. I am a stay at home mom
6. I have two beautiful girls! They are 2 1/2 and a month and half old! They are my world!
7. I am going to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division to get my Associates in Photography.
 8. I am a big cat person!
 9. I have a slight obsession with penguins.
10.I find myself very blessed to be surrounded by such great family and friends.
11. I change my hair a lot. My great grandma told me its going to fall out soon because I change it so often. She's a silly old lady.
12. I have 5 generations of all women alive in my family. My great grandma, my grandma, my mom, me and my daughters.
13. I have one little brother who is 18 months younger then me! Hes a butt but I love him!
14. I recently joined a company called Beachbody and pretty happy I did so far.
15. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
16. I love pretty much everyone.
17. I love to laugh.
18. I love video games. My 2nd daughter is actually named after a video game character.
19. I am a very big procrastinator. For example it is technically Day 3 but I am now just doing Day 2 because I have been putting it off all day.
20. I am a big night owl and I should learn to go to sleep at night.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 1

Ok I do not have a very good recent picture of myself because my point and shoot camera has been dead and I couldn't find the cord to it to charge it, and I did not feel like bringing out my DSLR camera just to take a picture of myself lol. So this picture is going to have to do. It is from a few weeks ago when I went bowling with some friends. At least its what my hair looks like now since I change it a lot.
I know that is a little goofy but hey thats how I am. I am 22 years old! I have been married to the most wonderful man for 5 1/2 years. I have two beautiful daughters that are my life. Caitlynn is 2 1/2 and Kairi (ky-ree) is a month and half! I am a stay at home mom and love it! I am going to school to get my associates in photography. I am loving that! I really feel like my pictures are getting tons better! If you are someone that doesn't know me to well you can look at my pictures here. I am trying to get back into shape so right now I am really into fitness. I am doing a workout program called TurboFire and just started my 2 weeks so the results aren't there yet but I am excited when they do start showing. I joined a fitness business called Beachbody to get a discount of products. If you are curious what that is about you can check it out here. I am also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am very religious but I do not judge other people. I am very open minded and kind to everyone. That is pretty much all there is to me! I know exciting right?!

31 Day Blog Challenge.

I have done these things several times but I have not ever completed it so I figured I would try again. I stole it from my friend Chelsea who got it from another site. The blog she got it from is this one http://boyboyandme.blogspot.co.uk/. I add it because you can put up your own link and see what other people are doing also. Anyways here is the things for each day.
Lets see if I can do it every day! And maybe you guys can learn more about me. Even though I am an open book and easy to read lol.