Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hospital Visit #3

This is the 3rd time I went to the hospital for this pregnancy. Which I guess isn't do bad since with Caitlynn it was a lot more but they were all at the end so that might change. I went because I was in tons of pain and seriously nothing I did helped it. I didn't want to go but I got a blessing that said it would be best that I did. Well I got there and they did the normal hook me up to monitors to see if I was having contractions and keep an eye on Kairi. Well they wanted to do a lab because they thought I had a bladder infection. Laid there a good hour and half. I was having some pretty good contractions show up. The nurse comes back in and says nothing is wrong to go home and deal with it. I asked about the contractions and she said they aren't regular so they don't matter. Which by the way I hate because guess what they hurt! They matter! I asked her to make sure I wasn't dilated because I thought maybe I was because with Caitlynn I was 3 cm by 35 weeks. Granted that a like 2 weeks a way I just wanted to make sure. Well nope nothing! I guess thats a good thing but at the same time I was hoping it was maybe at least a 1 cm just so that the pain made sense. That way I don't feel like a complete whiner! But nope its thick closed and long. Which is great for baby because she needs a little more time. Not so great for the momma! They said if its worse by Monday to go get checked out at my clinic. It was a long exhausting day with no answers. I hate that! Its like getting kicked when your already down! I pray for the strength to get through this! Because sometimes its just so hard!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I hope your contractions stop, or I hope you have her soon!! :D