Thursday, March 15, 2012

Welcome to the world Kairi Colette Peterson!

It's been a few days now and I figured some people might be interested in knowing how everything went with Kairi. Monday (March 12th) I had a doctors appointment, this appointment went like normal ones, go get checked (I was almost at a 5) and then get hooked on the monitors just to be safe. I was having contractions but they weren't concerned. When I was about to leave my midwife said come back tomorrow I want to make sure you aren't like at a 6 or anything and then we will induce you on Wednesday. To me this was music to my ears. I was huge, miserable and very done being pregnant. Well Monday night the contractions picked back up and they had me a little concerned. When I had Caitlynn I went from a 5 to a 10 in an hour and with me already at a 5 and having big contractions I didn't want to risk having Kairi at home or something. So about 11:30 pm I woke up Daryl and him and Daniel gave me a Priesthood blessing and then we went on our happy little way. By the time we got there is was midnight so technically I was considered 38 weeks so I was sure this might work out in my favor. I get there they put me in a room for monitoring and I am in there maybe 30 minutes when they say "We are going to admit you." Once again music to my ears!! I was so excited but terrified. They take me to a room and say we aren't going to start labor yet (which means they aren't going to give me the medicine that helps you along) but they were going to put an IV in my arm. The nurse goes to put one in my left hand and my vein blew! Yeah that has never happened to me before! And it hurt way bad! She said she was going to go get someone else to do it. Comes back and tells me they are going to keep me overnight but only to monitor me and then in the morning they will take me to see the specialist to make sure the baby is ok to come. To me I found this completely frustrating! I mean seriously! I understood why they were doing it but I was 38 weeks for crying out loud! Full term is 37 weeks! I had Caitlynn 4 days before this time and she was fine! I just wasn't happy with this. That night I pretty much just laid there mad, having contractions and not being able to sleep because Daniel wasn't next to me (he was on the couch). Finally around 5:30 am I start to fall asleep and what happens? The nurses walk in! Yeah wasn't happy. They said they would let me sleep till about 7 and then have me get up take a shower, eat breakfast and try as fast as they can to get me into the specialist. Yeah I didn't sleep. I got to see the specialist fairly soon. Like at 9 am and I was told they weren't even in until 9 am. When that was over I was told Kairi passed 8/8 so everything was good and they were not sure why I was here. Which I didn't either. I waited awhile to be wheeled back to my room and when I got there my midwife was there. All I could think is "thank goodness someone with a brain." She told me they were going to start me now and take it from there. I was so happy! The nurses came into to put an IV in and blew another in my left arm, couldn't get one in a vein in my left arm (that one hurt the worse) and finally they called someone else and she came and got one in my right arm. The whole time I told them I have never had luck with my left arm! Once again I wasn't a happy camper! After that happened it was pretty much a waiting game. They would come in and turn up my medicine slowly to make me have more contractions. They checked me and I was at a 6 so I at least was progressing. Then out of no where my midwife came in and said "I am here to break your water." Which freaked me out because last time they let me get the epidural first but she was super busy and that was the only time she had to do it. She broke it and it was the weirdest thing I have ever experienced, just tons of liquid. Then came the first part I do believe. I started having bad contractions, so bad I was crying and my mom wouldn't leave my side because she knew I was hurting. They asked when I wanted an epidural and I told them as soon as possible. I probably only had the bad contractions for about 40 mins. That's not to bad but man did they hurt. The epidural went well this time. He had to try twice but that was better then the 5-6 I had with Caitlynn. Actually it didn't hurt as bad maybe because I was already distracted with the contractions. After they got the epidural in I was so much happier. I was relax and calm and felt great. Here is an image to show you just how happy I was.

I even decided I was going to take a nap. Right after they checked me and I was at a 7 and they said they were going to come back in 40 mins and check again. I was almost asleep when they came in and the nurse barley even checked. She said it was time to go. She called my midwife and my midwife asked "Do I have like 5 mins." The nurses response "No you don't" Then she called for a quick set up. Yeah I was freaking out that she was just going to fall out or something. My midwife got there and they had me pushing right away. I gave a few good pushes and she was out. They had to get her out fast because her cord was super tight. It wasn't around her neck all the way but it was a little. Her heartbeat actually went down to 50 (which isn't good for babies) and came out purple, but was ok. I am so thankful that I got her out so fast or it might of ended badly. I am also grateful for my midwife she told me the next day they were fighting her about starting me but she felt like it was the right thing to do. Then when she saw the cord like that she knew it was a great idea they did start me because any longer Kairi might not be here right now. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost and the things it tells people. Thats about it. We stayed in the hospital for two days. Not much happened except she keeps chocking and gagging because of the stuff she swollen while in the birth canal but it went away and we got through it though it was scary.Here is a picture of her and her stats.

Kairi Colette Peterson
6 pounds 5 ounces
18 inches
March 13th 2012 @ 3:01 pm.
So technically even though I was there since Monday night I was only in true labor for about 4-5 hours! Man that was fast! I am so happy she is finally here and I feel for now that my family is complete. I am sure I will have more kids at sometime but right now I am happy with my two very perfect little girls!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to.hang in there! I am glad it turned out all well!! Cute little family. :)