Monday, February 6, 2012

Yer A Wizard Harry!

Ok I have quite a new obession lately. What is that you ask? Well its Harry Potter.

Why? I am not sure. We got all the Harry Potter movies on Blu-Ray and then decided to watch them all. Granted we didn't watch them back to back or anything because that would be about 19 hours straight of movies!! But we did watch 2 movies once or twice a week till we finished them. This took so long because we invited our friends and unlike us they have actually lives lol. Anyways we were almost done with the movies when I decided to read the books again. I have read them all before but its been such a long time!!! Now I am just a little crazy with the whole thing. I have to admit I love it! I am not sure why and I am not sure why now its coming out of me. I think I have always enjoyed Harry Potter films and books I just didn't admit the whole enjoyness because I didn't want people to think I was a weirdo. But I think now I don't care what people think, so I can let my Harry Potter nerd self out. I seriously really want to buy a cape! I think that would be so cool! And Daniel was joking about buying me a wand and to be honest I think that would be actually pretty awesome. I just thought I would let you know I am now crazy! If you didn't know this before. I guess I should of let myself become this way a long time ago and not when the whole thing is basically over. Oh well! It's just all so magical (he he see what I did there ;D)

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