Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yay There Only One lol

There is my new baby!! And there is only one :D Unless the other one is hiding but dont think so. My due date is Oct 20th :D So everything seems fine except the baby is a little small. Im suppose to be 8 weeks 2 days but instead im 7 weeks 3 days so Im 5 days behind. My doctor said this could be that I just dropped an egg late or that she just didnt measure it right on the machine. She wants me to come back in 3 weeks instead of 4 so my next appointment is 0ct 31. Its pretty exciting. Im just a little worried cause the last time she said its kind of small come back in 3 weeks I lost it. But I hope and pray everything will goes good. Well thats all thats been going on in my life. And sorry Ka for the picture I know it creeps you out lol

1 comment:

Bev said...

I will pray hard for you and put your name at our temple. My oldest's bday is oct 3 that is a good day!