Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Doctors Appointment!

My first one is March 10th at 2! Im so happy! I just wanted to let you all know. Its just really weird to think im about 5 weeks when I should be 28 but thats ok at least I get a chance to have another one. :D So far my grandma, my brother and one of the familys friends thinks its a girl. They are silly. I havent heard what Daryl thinks yet but thats who I believe lol. But Im kind of thinking it might be a girl too cause unlike Riley I havent had morning sickness and stuff, but I am only 5 weeks so it might come later. Anyways if it is a girl her name is going to be Caitlynn Suzanne and of course if its a boy its going to be Aiden RD. Im so happy. I cant wait to go to the doctor and see my baby on the machine :D


The Knudsen's said...


The Wochnick Family said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting. Caitlyn is a great name.