Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I know this is a little late but I have been busy trying to keep things clean and get things done. So this post might be a little long but I think that's ok too.
First thing I ended my first class around December 18th or something like that. I got an A. So happy! I mean it was an easy class but I want to try to have a 4.0 for as long as I can so it helps :D. I start my 2nd class on January 10th. It's not going to be exciting. It's Computer Literacy. I tried to pass out of it but I didn't know stuff about Photoshop or Illustrator so I didn't, but I guess its ok to get a refresher course. I kind of wish I could take more then 1 class at a time but I know one class at a time will be enough for me with Caitlynn.
Christmas was a lot of fun. We didn't have a big Christmas but that's ok because we had each other and that's all that matters. Caitlynn loved it. We woke up at 7 and got Caitlynn and the parents up to open presents. She wasn't sure what to think of it. She was confused why we would give her a toy and then take it away. lol After that we got ready for everyone to come over for Christmas breakfast. This year was our turn to host it. I think that it went ok. Jenn and Dustin did the funniest thing to us though they gave us a big box and inside it said "let's make a deal." It told us we could of choose to keep the green gelatin or go for box 1 or 2. We went with box 2 and in it was coco packets and a book and in the bottom of the box it said, "You lose try again." So we went with box 1 and in it was another box and another box and in that was a can of coco in the can of coco was a gift card. All these boxes were wrapped in duck tape and Jenn took away Daniel's knife. It was so funny and a great idea. After that we got ready and went to my brothers dads house who has been like my dad my whole life. We don't get to see them enough and it was good to see them. They are very nice and generous people. Shawn said that he is going to help Daniel get a job on base because on base its not about what you know its about who you know. We are praying really hard that Daniel will get this job. It starts out at 18-20 bucks an hour. That would help us so much and we would be able to finally be on our own and live our own lives. I think that will be good for us. So please pray for that. After Shawns we went to Grams. We ate dinner and right before we were about to open presents Caitlynn got really grumpy and wouldn't sleep plus she had a belly ache and a bad rash so we packed up all her presents and decided to open them the next day and went home. The next day she opened them and then we went to my Grandmas to open the presents at her house. So its like we had Christmas for two days. It was really nice and we are so blessed to have a great family in our lives. Even with all the presents and running around I still felt the true meaning of Christmas. I just love the Christmas season and the way it makes us feel.
The Monday after Christmas me, Daniel, Caitlynn and Grams went to the zoo because we weren't able to go on Christmas Eve like we usually do because Daniel had to work. It was a lot of fun and Caitlynn loved the animals. I am sure next year she will really love it.
New Years Eve we did the same thing we do every year. We got together has a family and celebrated Krystine's birthday, ate good food, and played air hockey. The only difference this year was we played Rock Band. It was a lot of fun and even though we do the same thing every year I still love it. My friend Kenzie decided to come over this year and that was a lot of fun. I am so glad that I have great friends. Poor Caitlynn was so tired by the end of the night, but she was a trooper and stayed up the whole time. Well she had to because I know for a fact she wouldn't go to sleep with everyone in the basement and her room right there so that is why she stayed up.
That's about all that has happened. I am so very blessed to have wonderful people in my life and to have a wonderful family. Now that the new year is here I am excited to see what happens this year. My resolutions for this year are the same as last year because I didn't do the best at them but I will try again. I hope you all had a great holiday season and I hope this new year is amazing for everyone.
FYI if you want to see pictures I am sure everyone is my friend on facebook and they are all on there.

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