Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things Change.

Sorry I haven't wrote for a while. There hasn't been to much to write about and its been pretty crazy with me trying to keep this place clean, taking care of Caitlynn, trying to work out, and going to school. I also have been trying to stay off the computer and do other things even though that isn't working out the best. Nothing is new for me and my little family. We are all still doing the same things. I try my best to do everything at home, Daniel works, goes to school and hopes to find a better job and Caitlynn is crazy and growing and growing.
Lately we have been hanging out with people a lot and I really liked it for some reason I love to be around people and even Daniel said, "You seem a lot happier lately." And I was. But like everything it seems like me its time for things to change. I'm not talking about not being happy I am always going to try to be happy because that is a good thing. What I am talking about is hanging out. More and more everyday for the last week or so I feel like me and Daniel are drifting away from the people we hang out with. Which I guess in its self it isn't a bad thing. It just kind of makes me sad a little. I am not good with change. I should know its going to happen me and Daniel are so different then other people we hang out with. We are married, and we have a child. We can't just decided to go some where one day because we can't just up and leave Caitlynn and sometimes its not the best to take her with us. What I am trying to say is I am starting to see yes you will have friends sometimes more then other times but they aren't going to be your "best friends" forever. People change, situations change and some people just grow apart. I look back on the times I have said to some one, "we are going to be best friends forever" and I have said it to a lot of people. Most of them I don't talk to or hardly talk to them at all and only see them sometimes. It is hard to not have friends or your friends change over the years and its hard for me to accept it because like I said I love being around people. But do you know whats not going to change? Me and Daniel and that is all that matters. I can tell him that we are going to be best friends forever because we really are! People are going to come and people are going to go but hes going to be by my side forever! To me that is the greatest blessing I can ever receive. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.
Sorry this post is long and ranting but its just one of those things I needed to get out. So thank you once again for listening to me and I hope everyone that reads this one day they can find someone they consider their best friend and can really spend forever with them.

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