Saturday, January 8, 2011

It Hurts!

It really hurts me to find out someone isn't who you thought they were. This past year I have lost two people I thought were my best friends. Both of them have helped me through hard times in my life and now both of them are gone. What really hurts the most is they both said I am a bad mother. For some reason that hurts me to the very core. I thought I was an ok mother certainly not the greatest but I figured I was doing ok. Yes I don't have a place of my own, yes I am not the best at cleaning but improving everyday,and yes I don't eat a lot of home cooked meals but that I am also getting better at. Even with those facts I thought I was doing ok. Am I not? Am I doing something wrong? Because in the last year two people have told me I am doing something wrong. I don't know. What I do know is I don't need people in my life that are going to bring me down that is why I pushed them out. So right now I am hurt but I hope things will get better in time. Just like I hope I get better in time. Ok now I am done ranting. Thanks for listening.

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