Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Love Taking Pictures!

I love taking pictures! I think its so much fun. Even though I feel like I am not that great at it and it seems everyone else is better then me I still love doing it. I love bringing joy to people with my pictures. I really do think people like the pictures I take of them and they aren't just saying they like them to be nice. They might hate them but they haven't told me they do that's good right?! I get so scared taking pictures too. The day before I freak out in my head trying to come up with ideas on what to do. During the shoot I am usually ok but then after I start panicking and start think what if they hate them. But like I said I do think I will get better and no one has said they hate them yet. I also love helping people out. Me and my family aren't very wealthy ok we aren't wealthy at all but when someone comes to me and asks me to take their family pictures and how much I charge I don't charge them tons of money because I know right now its hard for a lot of people and family pictures are important. I love the thanks you I get from saying pay me what ever you can and you don't have to pay me right away pay me when you can. It warms my heart! And if I never get paid for the pictures that's ok too just as long as they like them that's all I care about. I also love hearing "I love them! They are so good." Its like music to my ears and makes me grin from ear to ear. So even though I am not the best photographer I love that I am doing it and I love that I am learning more about it. It makes me happy.

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