Friday, December 17, 2010

Things Like This Makes Me Happy.

I had to make a portfolio in my class today and these were the comments I received.

I loved your portfolio! Your photography is incredible, all the pictures look almost unreal, they are so good! I hope my photography will be as good as yours, eventually. You had a really good portfolio, though. It was nice and simple. I liked your statements too.

Your pictures are great. I really enjoyed your portfolio and wish you the best of luck.
I have a feeling we'll meet again in our classes!
If we do, I'll see you there.

Your portfolio looks amazing! The detail, the pictures, everything. I love it :)
Great job. You take really beautiful pictures. I really like the nature one of the sky,
and the one of the lady in the red dress. So awesome (^_^) lol

Great job!! You take amazing pictures and your family is beautiful. The thing I love most of all is how you capture the spirit of nature in your photos. I love being outside and letting the beams of the sun hit me. Your pictures make this world look like paradise!!! I am amazed!! Keep doing what you do best and you will be successful.

Really liked your portfolio! Loved looking at all the pictures

These comments just made my day! So I figured I would share :D

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Past.

You know that saying "Leave things in the past there is a reason they didn't make it to your future." Or something like that. I really have been missing the past lately. Not being single, not stupid high school but a certain person. I think its because of the time of year and I have so many Christmas memories with this person. I hate hearing songs come on and all I can think is I really miss her. I know its better this way. We both just grew up to be different people. All we did was clash and that wasn't good. But I can't help to think maybe I am just being silly. This person had been my best friend for so long and now we don't even talk anymore. I just want to say I am sorry I was stupid let's be friends again but I know that's not going to happen. Even if it did it would just end up like it has now. I don't know why I miss someone so much that was rude to me, hurt my feelings and made me feel like I didn't matter all the time. I don't understand how you can dislike someone at the same time of liking them. Does that make sense at all? I am sorry that this post is probably not making sense but I don't know how to describe how I am feeling. I guess I will just have to learn to live in the present and realize that things should be left in the past. But at the same time I know I will always have those memories in my head and I should think of all the good times and realize that if we did stay friends bad memories would of covered up the good ones. Like I always say "All things happen for a reason."

One Of Those Days.

You know your going to have a great day when you look in your bank account and your already 18 bucks in the hole and you don't get paid for 4 more days. And when you do get paid you don't have enough to cover your bills! Why must life be this hard?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Love Taking Pictures!

I love taking pictures! I think its so much fun. Even though I feel like I am not that great at it and it seems everyone else is better then me I still love doing it. I love bringing joy to people with my pictures. I really do think people like the pictures I take of them and they aren't just saying they like them to be nice. They might hate them but they haven't told me they do that's good right?! I get so scared taking pictures too. The day before I freak out in my head trying to come up with ideas on what to do. During the shoot I am usually ok but then after I start panicking and start think what if they hate them. But like I said I do think I will get better and no one has said they hate them yet. I also love helping people out. Me and my family aren't very wealthy ok we aren't wealthy at all but when someone comes to me and asks me to take their family pictures and how much I charge I don't charge them tons of money because I know right now its hard for a lot of people and family pictures are important. I love the thanks you I get from saying pay me what ever you can and you don't have to pay me right away pay me when you can. It warms my heart! And if I never get paid for the pictures that's ok too just as long as they like them that's all I care about. I also love hearing "I love them! They are so good." Its like music to my ears and makes me grin from ear to ear. So even though I am not the best photographer I love that I am doing it and I love that I am learning more about it. It makes me happy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just In Case You Wanted To Know.

I went to the doctor today ti figure out why I am having pains. To be honest I thought I was pregnant because my body was acting like it or I thought I had a cyst. Well I have neither. Everything is the way it should be. Machell thinks that it has something to do with my bladder and she gave me a HUGH list of food I should avoid and she said it might help with the pain. She also gave me crazy people pills. I don't really want people to know I have to take pills to be some what normal because I feel stupid that I need them but I figured its most likely going to get around anyways stuff like that always does. Oh well thats life! So maybe I won't have crazy person posts anymore. Thats good for you guys right?! :D Anyways I am going to take these pills and try to avoid the foods and go back in 4 weeks to see if its helping. I guess only time will tell. I just thought some people would like to know whats going on with me. Daniel and Caitlynn are still the same, AMAZING! Anyways thanks for your time :D