Saturday, June 5, 2010


I figured I would update since I havent in awhile. The reason I havent wrote a blog is cause I didnt want it to sound super down. I mean life hasnt been the bet for us right now. Im trying to make the best out of it but its super hard. Daniel lost his job about a month ago. He files for about 2 jobs a day and we havent even had one call. He filed for unemployment but of course we got denied because they said that he neglected his duties and that his job had every right to fire him. Daniel is trying to fight it but I dont think its going to work. So lets say we have no money. We had to go to the bank and do this thing where they put an extra payment on the end of our car loan so we can skip this month. Even not having to pay the car payment this month we still only have like 100 dollars to our name. Its just really hard. Im sorry Im trying not to be so down.
On the plus side we had a great time in Flaming Gorge and Caitlynn is a wonderful camper. She just loves being outside. Me and Daniel both caught one fish each. The fishing wasnt the greatest but we still had an awesome time with our family.
We love are loving being at Grams. Dont get me wrong I love where we live but its really nice being on our own. I love having my cats around all the time and they are loving just being about to lay around all day on the bed. Though Tigger is going a little stir crazy lol.
Caitlynn is getting so big! She is almost 8 months old. Shes about to crawl. She is now always on her belly,and she is doing it herself. She also can stay on her hands and knees she just doesnt know what to do yet. I am terrified of her crawling she is just a handful now and she never sits still unless she is asleep so I cant even imagine what shes going to be like when she can move. She now says dada all the time and she sometimes says mama but only when shes crying. She is just so crazy! But I love her and can't believe she is this big already. She is the light of my life, and I love her more and more each day.
I'm sorry that this blog was kind of a downer one. I know that things happen for a reason and one day they will get better. I am thankful for everything the Lord does for us. Even though we have no money and we are having a hard time but the Lord is helping us. Some how ever night this week someone has given us dinner, and we arent asking for help. I know that the Lord is doing that and Ive very thankful for that.


Madi said...

Don't be sorry! :) Times are tough out there it's really not a lot of fun. Im sorry that you guys are going through a hard time. Things will start looking up in no time Im sure! I love that even though you talked about how things are hard you still talked about how blessed you are. Keep on keepin on! :D

Chelsea said...

Hang in there!! Having to play the unemployment game is hard. Jason was laid off for just under a year. Thank goodness for faith! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.